Elon Musk 'Vowed to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus' for Transifying His Son
InformationLiberationJul 22
Elon Musk on Monday revealed he vowed to destroy the "woke mind virus" because it turned his son transgender.
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School Bribed Boy With Pizza to Get Vaxxed Without Parents' Consent, Mom Says
InformationLiberationDec 08
Public schools in California are reportedly bribing kids with free candy, pizza, raffles, cash prizes and other favors to get Pfizer's experimental mRNA covid shot, in many cases without their parents' consent.
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Biden: 97-98% of Americans Must Be Vaxxed Before We 'Get Back to Normal'
InformationLiberationSep 27
Joe Biden said Monday that 97-98% of the population must be vaccinated before we "get back to normal."
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'This is Our Life From Now On': Israelis Told to Prepare For Fourth CV Booster Shot
InformationLiberationSep 06
Israel's national coronavirus czar Salman Zarka is telling the public to prepare to take booster shots every five months as the virus "is here to stay."
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Australian Health Official Tells Public To 'Get Used To' Taking CV Boosters Indefinitely
InformationLiberationSep 06
The public needs to "get used to" being experimented on indefinitely with covid "booster" shots, so says New South Wales Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant.
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Johnson & Johnson to Run COVID-19 Vaccine Trials on Infants
InformationLiberationMar 08
Johnson & Johnson is planning to conduct COVID-19 vaccine trials on infants and newborns -- even though the CDC's own data shows they face virtually zero risk of death from the virus.
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Health Care Workers Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine; Hospitals Offering to Pay Staff to Take It
InformationLiberationJan 03
Huge numbers of health care workers throughout America are refusing to take Pfizer and Moderna's rushed coronavirus vaccines, according to media reports.
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NYT: 2 Alaska Healthcare Workers Given Emergency Treatment After Taking Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine
InformationLiberationDec 17
After taking Pfizer's experimental mRNA coronavirus vaccine, one hospital worker in Alaska suffered from a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction and had to be pumped full of epinephrine and steroids while a second worker at the same hospital had to be taken to the ER and treated with epinephrine and other drugs.
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MSNBC: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Does Not Mean You Should Be Traveling Or Stop Wearing A Mask
InformationLiberationDec 16
MSNBC analyst Dr Vin Gupta told Chuck Todd on Tuesday that just because you get vaccinated does not mean you should be traveling or be "liberated" from wearing a mask.
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Snopes: Fmr Pfizer VP Did Not Say CV Vaccine Causes 'Female Sterilization,' Only That It's 'Possible'
InformationLiberationDec 07
This is one hell of a fact check.
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Court Axes 'Save James' Ruling, Mom Who Wants Gender 'Transition' for 8-Yr-Old Regains Decision Rights
LifeSiteAug 14

'A New Low!': Drudge Slams Ambien Maker For Mocking Roseanne 'While They Drug A Generation'
InformationLiberationMay 30
Wow, Big Pharma is woke AF!
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NYT: 'Older White Women Account For 58% Of Those On Antidepressants Long Term'
InformationLiberationApr 12
What did they mean by this?
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How Big Pharma Is Profiting Off Transgender Mania
InformationLiberationJun 25
Becoming transgender costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and will turn you into a customer of expensive hormone drugs for life.

On Saturday, a redditor who says he was on a waiting list for hormone replacement therapy shared his story of how he came to realize the whole process is an elaborate scam.
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Good News for ADHD Sufferers: It's a Giant Hoax
InformationLiberationAug 03
Seventy-eight percent of young kids diagnosed with ADHD as a child "no longer had the disorder when they were 18," a new study has found.

From TheConversation:
In a recent study, we found that most cases of childhood ADHD resolve over time...
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American College of Pediatricians: Gender Ideology Harms Children
CNS NewsMar 18

Milo Confirms Twitter Is Shadowbanning Trump Supporters
Anonymous ConservativeFeb 18
Milo finds a source who confirms it:
According to the source, Twitter maintains a 'whitelist' of favoured Twitter accounts and a 'blacklist' of unfavoured accounts. Accounts on the whitelist are prioritised in search results, even if they're not the most popular among users. Meanwhile, accounts on the blacklist have their posts hidden from both search results and ... (more)

Interview: Feminist Author Tells Breitbart Transgender Lobby Targets Livelihoods, Gov Creating Trans Children
BreitbartNov 11

Reality Check: CDC Scientist Admits Data of Vaccines and Autism Was Trashed
Ben SwannOct 30

Over 100 people gathered outside the CDC in Atlanta demanding transparency when it comes to vaccines. Is there anything to what these people are saying? How about the facts that no one else will share? This is a Reality Check you won't see anywhere else.

Carly Fiorina Attacked For Saying Vaccinations Should Be Left Up To Parents
PoliticoAug 15

California Mandatory Vaccine Bill SB 277 Signed Into Law By Jerry Brown
ContraCostaTimes.comJul 01

American Medical Association Supports the Elimination of Parents’ Right to Make Vaccine Choices, and California Takes Another Step Toward Medical Tyranny
Mercola.comJun 28

Thousands of Teenage Girls Enduring Debilitating Illnesses After Routine School Cancer Vaccination
The IndependentJun 02

Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website
Sharyl AttkissonJun 02

Mexico Cancels Infant Vaccines Nationwide After Two Die
InfowarsMay 11
Health officials in Mexico moved to suspend infant vaccines over the weekend following reports that routine inoculations killed two babies and left 29 others suffering terrible adverse effects. On Friday, infants in the destitute village of Simojovel, Chiapas, began experiencing serious side effects resulting from the administration of tuberculosis, rotovirus and Hepatitis B vaccines.

Symptoms reportedly included fever, drowsiness, seizures and intense headaches.

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CA SB277 On Vaccines Moves Toward Disastrous Passage
InfowarsApr 30
California Senate Bill 277 has passed through the Judiciary Committee, and needs another Committee's rubber stamp before it arrives on the Senate floor for debate--and what looks like a ride into law. Governor Brown will sign the Bill. Brown has become a standard fool. He's worn out. Whatever interesting ideas he may have entertained in his former "moonbeam" incarnation are gone in the wind.

Bill277 eliminates the personal belief and religious exemptions from vaccination. It also
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CBS: Gardasil Vaccine Can Cause Infection With Higher Risk HPV Strain
Natural BlazeApr 29

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