Biden Urged to Posthumously Pardon Ethel Rosenberg, Communist Spy Who Leaked Nuclear Secrets to SovietsChris MenahanInformationLiberation Sep. 10, 2024 |
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President Biden is being urged to posthumously pardon Ethel Rosenberg, the Jewish communist spy who together with her husband Julius Rosenberg leaked America's nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. Rosenberg's sons are basically claiming she's a modern-day Leo Frank. From AP News, "Declassified memo from US codebreaker sheds light on Ethel Rosenberg’s Cold War spy case": A top U.S. government codebreaker who decrypted secret Soviet communications during the Cold War concluded that Ethel Rosenberg knew about her husband's activities but "did not engage in the work herself," according to a recently declassified memo that her sons say proves their mother was not a spy and should lead to her exoneration in the sensational 1950s atomic espionage case.I can't find a copy of the text anywhere but the AP later clarifies that the memo appeared to be just a short summary of what was known about the Soviet spy ring at the time. Ethel Rosenberg went on trial with her husband months after the memo was written despite Gardner's assessment, which the Meeropols believe would have been available to FBI and Justice Department officials investigating and prosecuting the case.To their credit, the AP pointed out how this is all bulls**t: The document was written more than a week after Ethel Rosenberg's arrest — her husband was arrested a month earlier — presumably to summarize what was known about a Soviet spy ring operating in the U.S. at the height of the Cold War and associated with the development of the atomic bomb.Look for Biden to issue a pardon on his last day in office the same way Trump pardoned convicted traitor Jonathan Pollard's Israeli handler Aviem Sella (along with other Chabad super criminals) on his last day in office. Bill Clinton similarly pardoned Weather Underground terrorists Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans along with supercriminals Marc Rich (ne Marcell David Reich) and Harvey Weinig on his last day in office. The Anti-Defamation League managed to get Leo Frank posthumously pardoned in 1986 despite his being guilty as sin and it wouldn't shock me if similar happened here. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Minds and Telegram. |