Briahna Joy Gray, Israel Critic, Fired From The Hill's Rising

Chris Menahan
Jun. 06, 2024

Briahna Joy Gray revealed Thursday that she was fired from The Hill and suggested that her criticism of Israel is what cost her her job.

"It finally happened. The Hill has fired me," Gray announced on Twitter. "There should be no doubt that @RisingTheHill has a clear pattern of suppressing speech -- particularly when it's critical of the state of Israel."

"This is why they fired [Katie Halper], & it was only a matter of time before they fired me," Gray said.

Halper, an anti-Zionist Jew, was reportedly fired from The Hill in 2022 for recording a segment defending Rashida Tlaib's description of Israel as an "apartheid government."

This "eye roll" and the hysterical responses it spawned from Zionist activists appears to be what triggered the firing:

Zei_Squirrel went over the full exchange on Twitter.

Gray started at Rising in 2022 but only started taking heat in the wake of October 7th because she pushed back against the Israeli government's lies and disinformation.

She was undoubtedly placed in The Hill's crosshairs after she did an excellent report detailing how the NY Times' "Hamas mass rapes" story was a hoax.

This "mass rape" hoax is critical to Israel's war effort because secret polls were conducted showing the masses view the lies about Hamas committing "mass rape" as the number one justification for Israel's war.

As Zei_Squirrel noted, the New York Times' Jeffrey Gettleman, the main author who fabricated the "Hamas mass rapes" atrocity propaganda to justify Israel's war, still has his job even though his story completely fell apart under scrutiny.

Max Blumenthal pointed out on Twitter in Oct 2022 that "Nexstar, the company that owns The Hill, which censored and fired Katie Halper for a mono on the reality of Israeli apartheid, hired professional Israel lobbyist Jake Novak as deputy editor."

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz in 2021 accused then-Israeli consulate official Jake Novak of being involved in a $25 million extortion scheme targeting him and his father.

The aim of the alleged extortion scheme was to get money under the table to fund black-ops in Iran.

Briahna Joy Gray isn't the only prominent black voice to be fired from her job after criticizing Israel. Earlier this year, black conservative commentator Candace Owens was also fired from the Daily Wire for criticizing Israel and declaring that "Christ is King."

What happened to "Listen to black women?!"

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