Judge Diedra Hightower (pictured center) found hate hoax victim Army Sgt Jonathan Pentland guilty of third-degree assault on Monday for defending his neighbors from a mentally ill man who was accused of groping a woman and trying to snatch a baby in his neighborhood.
Pentland, a drill sergeant who served his country with honor and distinction, was thrown under the bus by the Army over an out-of-context 2-minute video, suspended from his job, brought up on charges based solely off the video and swiftly convicted.
Deandre Demetrius Williams, an accused serial harasser of women and children who was actively facing charges for trespassing and malicious injury to animals, was committed by his family and escaped all accountability but was allowed to testify in court against Pentland to have him railroaded.

Deandre's criminal history includes charges for malicious injury to animals, public disorderly conduct, marijuana possession and trespassing.
From The State, "Suspended Fort Jackson drill sergeant found guilty of assault on Black man":
A judge found suspended Fort Jackson Army Sgt. Jonathan Pentland guilty Monday of assaulting a Black man in a northeast Columbia neighborhood in an incident that spawned protests, riled emotions and captured national attention.
After a two-day bench trial at Richland County magistrate court on Decker Boulevard, Judge Diedra Hightower gave the guilty verdict for third-degree assault and battery, a misdemeanor.
Pentland was sentenced to either 30 days in prison or a fine of $1,087. A bench trial does not include a jury. Instead, the judge determines the verdict. The sentence is low enough to push Pentland to just accept it and move on rather than fight to clear his name.
Nonetheless, Pentland's lawyer said they're "looking into further pursuing legal remedies to challenge the decision."
The Richland County Sheriff's Department charged Pentland days after video hit social media showing the Army sergeant yelling at the man and telling him to get out of the Barony Place neighborhood in the Summit. Sheriff Leon Lott said Pentland became physical with the man, warranting a third degree assault and battery charge. Witnesses testified that they saw Pentland shove and hit the person on the arm.
The incident was seen by some as another moment of racism against a Black man. Black community groups gathered outside Pentland's house to express their anger after the video was publicized. What a remarkable way to describe a BLM mob gathering outside Pentland's home for hours to intimidate, threaten and harass him and his family!
Pentland's attorney, Benjamin Allen Stitely, argued that the altercation was based on behavior by the alleged victim before cameras were turned on and that Pentland was justified in his actions.
Stitely decried the way people labeled Pentland "a bully and a racist. He was defending his family and friends," Stitely said.
Several witnesses said Williams was acting "erratic" or volatile before the incident. Williams' father testified that his son, once a high-performing student, suffered potential brain damage after suffering from lymphoma, a type of cancer. Williams, who is now in remission, suffered swelling throughout his lymph system and in his brain, Williams' father testified. As a result, Williams struggles to complete basic tasks, such as getting groceries without assistance.
Pentland's defense attorneys didn't deny what happened on the video, but said the video lacked crucial context that went back several days.
Kimberly Hernandez, who lives in The Summit, testified that in the days before the event several of her family members had disturbing encounters with Williams.
Williams frequently approached one of Hernandez's daughters while she was walking the dog throughout the neighborhood, Hernandez testified.
"I don't care if he walks in the area," Hernandez said. "I didn't want him stopping my daughter anytime he was outside."
On a separate encounter, Williams allegedly picked up a baby belonging to Hernandez's daughter-in law, she testified.
Following the incident where Williams allegedly picked up the baby, Hernandez's daughter-in-law went outside on April 12 — the day of the incident — and confronted Williams, saying he had no permission to touch her child.
"I went outside expecting them to be right outside and I saw my daughter-in-law arguing with him and I told her to quickly come back to the house," Hernandez said.
The daughter-in-law came back but Williams followed, Hernandez said.
"He was angry by the time he approached me. He was already erratic and jumping back and forth. He was telling me he did nothing wrong," Hernandez said.
Williams was yelling so loud and got so close to Hernandez, he was unintentionally spitting in her face, she testified.
"I would think he would start to walk away, but immediately he would come back and come back to me," Hernandez said.
After seeing Hernandez and Williams arguing, neighbor Renee Wilson testified that she called 911 after hearing a man and a woman screaming louder and louder at each other.
The woman, Hernandez, cried out yelling for someone to call 911, Wilson testified.
"It just seemed like it was about to get worse," said Wilson, who is Black.
Around the time Wilson called 911, Hernandez and Williams stopped their argument and Hernandez went over to Pentland's house, ringing the doorbell and banging on the door, multiple witnesses said. The "evil white man" was defending his Hispanic neighbors from an accused serial harasser.
From the perspective of the defense and several neighbors, Williams had been "belligerent" leading up to the evening of April 12. Pentland testified that when Hernandez went to get him, she told Pentland that Williams had been scaring women in the neighborhood.
When Pentland arrived, he saw Williams "in the face" of a neighbor and got between Williams.
Williams, witnesses say, was preparing to strike or verbally attack the women, who were three or four feet behind Pentland. As a result, Pentland pushed Williams to keep him from possibly hurting his wife or neighbors, he said.
"I would have never put my hands on him other than self-defense," Pentland testified Monday.
At the end of the confrontation, when Williams was walking away, Williams points his phone at Pentland's house and mentioned coming back, according to testimony from Pentland, Hernandez, Wilson and Pentland's wife.
When his attorney asked Pentland if he saw this as a threat, he said, "It was a direct threat to me and my family, 100%...There was no question in my mind he was going to be back."
Pentland then swatted the phone out of Williams' hand. Pentland testified he didn't physically touch Williams, but Williams said Pentland caught his arm.
"All I did was swat the phone out of his hand. I never, never want to break his phone," Pentland said.
The defense also claimed police made several mistakes in conducting the investigation. While on the stand, McDaniels admitted he did not obtain audio from the original 911 call to see why police were called in the first place.
As the video of the altercation went viral and drew backlash Lott decided to file charges against Pentland, even as Pentland was still being interviewed by an investigator, McDaniels testified Monday. Note: Sheriff Lott works closely with the Anti-Defamation League.
The defense argued this was political interference, but McDaniels said the evidence was strong enough against Pentland that he would have signed the arrest warrant even without Lott's involvement.
The defense also alleged law enforcement failed to conduct a thorough investigation.
"In all these investigations, when the sheriff had already made a warrant, not one of them came and asked the people who lived there what happened," Stitely said in his closing statement. "They didn't want the truth. They wanted to make up a bully for TV's sake."
Throughout the trial, the defense kept asking the question "what would you do?" if someone were in Pentland's position. For his part, Pentland stands by his actions.
"If I were in the situation I'd do the same thing again. I can't let someone threaten my family," Pentland testified. Bravo, Mr. Pentland.
If our leaders had half as much honor, courage and dignity as you we wouldn't be in the situation we find ourselves in today.
This is our new "justice" system.
When Biden said America needs to scrap the "white man's" "English jurisprudential culture," he wasn't joking.
He was speaking on behalf of our ruling class who are already putting it into action.
The New America™ is a country where your guilt is determined not by your actions but by your ancestors.
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