House GOP Drafting Impeachment Articles Against Biden for Threatening to Halt Aid to Israel

Chris Menahan
May. 10, 2024

The House GOP is drafting articles of impeachment against President Biden for threatening to temporarily halt some aid to Israel if they accelerate the humanitarian disaster in Gaza by invading Rafah.

According to our AIPAC-owned GOP leaders, America has an obligation under the Constitution or something to fund Israel's wars and supply them with arms indefinitely.

From Fox News, "House GOP drafting Biden impeachment articles over Israel aid cutoff threat":
Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., is preparing impeachment articles against President Biden over his threat to halt U.S. offensive aid to Israel, the first-term lawmaker told Fox News Digital on Thursday.

Mills accused Biden of forcing Israel into a "quid pro quo" situation by leveraging U.S. dollars against the Israeli government's actions in Gaza, drawing parallels to Democrats' first impeachment of former President Trump over his handling of Ukraine aid.

"The House has no choice but to impeach President 'Quid pro Joe' Biden. As Vice President, Biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to Ukraine unless they fired the attorney general investigating Burisma, a company financially benefiting his son Hunter, not to mention the 10% share for 'the big guy' himself," Mills said in a statement.

"Now, Joe Biden is pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East, by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House, if they don't stop all operations with Hamas. It's a very clear message, 'this for that.' "
Mill's idiotic bill accuses Biden of "high crimes" for issuing an empty request asking Israel not to commit genocide (after supplying Israel with all the weaponry they need to conduct the Rafah operation and signing off another $26 billion in aid).

The "quid pro quo" Biden's proposing is telling Israel he'll supply them with endless weapons so long as they don't tarnish America's reputation for generations by committing genocide.

Is the GOP ever going to do anything for America, or are they just going to continue exclusively serving the interests of Israel?

They're also now pushing a bill to ship pro-Palestine protesters to Gaza to "serve a minimum six-month community service sentence in Gaza" -- which will allow Israel to kill them with US-supplied bombs just like they did with the World Central Kitchen aid workers and over 34,000 Palestinian civilians.

At this point, does anyone think the GOP wouldn't force Americans to fight Israel's war with boots on the ground if a regional war broke out with Iran and Hezbollah?

They've already shown they're willing to sacrifice all of our First Amendment rights for Israel, why would they stop at sacrificing our soldiers in a hot war for Israel?

That's exactly what the GOP (and tons of Israel-First Democrats) did with the war in Iraq 20 years ago. Even though some of the names have changed, it's clear as day they're eager and willing to do it again.

When Donald Trump was running in 2016 he said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

Benjamin Netanyahu could do the same today and not lose a single vote from our sold out Congress.

[Header image by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED]

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