Sharing accused Philly mass shooter Kimbrady Watson Carriker's photos of himself dressed up as a woman is a form of "violence," according to Asa Khalif, a member of District Attorney Larry Krasner office's LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee.
From The Post Millennial, "Far-left activist accuses conservatives of 'violence' for referring to cross-dressing, BLM-supporting Philly mass shooting suspect as 'trans'":
In the wake of a mass shooting in Philadelphia which claimed the lives of 5 adults, injuring 2 children, far-left activists [with the D.A.'s office] held a press conference to, in part, correct the media narrative on the alleged shooter's identity.
"I want to discuss, very briefly because there is a nasty, violent– in terms of verbal and written words– spewed by the conservative press regarding the shooter," [Khalif] said.
"There are certain pictures that are circulating–some of you may are be aware of those pictures–have the shooter in one picture as male and other pictures dressed in female attire or female outfits. They have used those pictures to attack trans people and particularly trans women of color, which are extremely vulnerable to violence in our community," he continued.
"I want to set the record straight," he continued, "because language is extremely important when we're talking about anything dealing with violence and [the] trans community. The suspect or the shooter has not identified themselves as trans. They have only identified themselves as male. And that's the language that will be used until further developments if they change that type of language.
"But the language that is spewed out by the conservative press is violent and is dangerous and is targeting trans women of color. It's rallying the community to be violent. And we're better than that. We're better than that. We have our trans women and our trans men living in these communities working, thriving in the communities. They are not killers, they are the most vulnerable to violence. They want to live their lives, and they have every right to do so. And we will not allow conservative bigots to use that type of language to attack trans [people]," he said, in footage shared by Julio Rosas.
Kimbrady Watson Carriker, a 40-year-old male who is expressed support for the BLM movement on his Facebook page, was arrested on Monday evening after allegedly shooting and killing five people and injuring two children in the Kingsessing neighborhood. Police said they apprehended a male suspect who was wearing a ballistic vest.
Additional photos show Carriker wearing female clothes, though the Facebook page does not indicate that the suspect personally identified as transgender. D.A. Krasner's office themselves initially referred to Carriker using "they/them" pronouns before shifting some time on Wednesday to calling him a male.
It's very important that (alleged) mass murderers have their "identities" respected.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer, "The Kingsessing mass shooting suspect told police the rampage was an attempt to fight gun violence, sources say":
The gunman accused of killing five people during a harrowing rampage in Southwest Philadelphia on Monday night told police that the shooting spree was an attempt to help authorities address the city's gun violence crisis, and that God would be sending more people to help, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
The assertions by Kimbrady Carriker were made to police in the hours after Carriker was arrested while wearing body armor and a ski mask and carrying an assault rifle and ghost gun on the 1600 block of South Frazier Street, said the sources, who requested anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.
Carriker first told officers who made the arrest that they had done a good job, the sources said. Carriker then told them the gunfire -- which spanned several blocks and struck people, including children, who had no apparent connection to one another -- was an attempt to help police because "all these guys are out there killing people," the sources said.
[...] In addition, officials said at a news conference that Carriker had written a will last month, which police found when they searched his house on the 5600 block of Belmar Terrace after his arrest. Prosecutors declined to specify what the document said, but Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore said: "Obviously, this person was exhibiting abnormal behavior for quite awhile." What are the odds this guy was known to Krasner's office and police?
From ABC 7 NY, "Philadelphia mass shooting suspect left behind a will, had been acting agitated: DA":
Law enforcement sources tell Action News [Carriker's] family had been concerned about his mental health issues for years.
Family members told police Carriker would often go on rants about Biblical terms.
One law enforcement official says Carriker views himself as "a police crusader and an ally to law enforcement," which they believe explains why he didn't shoot back at any officers during his arrest.
District Attorney Larry Krasner declined to discuss Carriker's mental health when asked whether it might have played a role in the killings, but said he expected that the defense would request an evaluation.
[...] This is not the first time Carriker has had run-ins with the law. The suspect has misdemeanor drug and gun charges from 2003, which led to probation. Soros-funded District Attorney Larry Krasner letting criminals run wild is an actual form of violence, unlike the imaginary "violence of words" his office advisors are primarily concerned about.
If Krasner was locking criminals up rather than shielding them from prosecution in the name of fighting "systemic racism" this shooting likely never would have happened.
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