Rutgers professor Dr Brittney Cooper went on an unhinged anti-white rant during a recent interview with The Root on YouTube saying white people are "motherf**kers" who gotta be taken out.
From The College Fix, "Rutgers professor on white people: 'We gotta take these motherf—ers out.'":
Citing the need for "honest conversations," a controversial Rutgers professor declared in a recent interview that "White people are committed to being villains," and "We gotta take these motherfuckers out."
Dr. Brittney Cooper, a professor in the Rutgers Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department that goes by the Twitter moniker "ProfessorCrunk," appeared on a September YouTube interview with writer Michael Harriot of The Root to discuss Critical Race Theory and recent attempts to oppose it being taught in elementary and high schools.
[...] "White people thought, 'there is a world here, and we own it,'" said Cooper, arguing that white people are afraid to give up power because they may face retribution from African Americans who have been historically oppressed.
"So they think black people gonna get them back," said Cooper. "And I wouldn't be mad at the black people who want to get them back," she added, "but what I believe about black people is that we have seen what a shit show this iteration of treatment of other human beings means and that my hope is that we would do it differently in the moments when we have some power."
Cooper says white people will not trust black people with power because they are "so corrupt" and their thinking is "so morally and spiritually bankrupt" about power. She says whites only understand a system where either "you dominate or you are dominated."
When Harriot asked Cooper what black Americans should expect from whites, she threw up her hands and asked, "what kind of question is that?"
"The thing I want to say to you is that we gotta take these motherfuckers out, but like, we can't say that, right?," Cooper added.
"I don't believe in a project of violence. I truly don't," she said. "Because in the end, I think our souls suffer from that. And I do think some of this is spiritual condition."
[...] "The world didn't start when white people arrived in America and tried to tell all the rest of us how things are going to go," she said. "There were people out here making worlds – Africans and indigenous people being brilliant, and libraries, and inventions, and vibrant notions of humanity, and cross-cultural exchange long before white people showed up being raggedy and violent and terrible and trying to take everything from everybody."
Later, she called whiteness "an inconvenient interruption" in the history of the world.
[...] As of 2019, Cooper's salary was $112,000 per year. You know you live under "white supremacy" when you're paid $112,000 per year to rant about the supposed evils of white people and teach fake history.
The Root ran an article earlier this year declaring that "Whiteness" is a "pandemic" and "the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it."

Not only have they faced zero censorship from Google/YouTube for inciting anti-white hatred but they're actively getting paid by Google through AdSense.

It sure must be tough suffering under such oppression!
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