America is not held together by the people but by a cadre of CEOs who censor the internet in accordance with the demands of the Anti-Defamation League, according to ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.
From The New York Times, "'We Need to Stabilize': Big Business Breaks With Republicans":
Now, in the aftermath of the deadly Capitol rampage by Mr. Trump's supporters, corporate America is turning its back on many senior Republicans, and flexing its political muscle.
One major trade group called on Mr. Trump's cabinet to consider removing him from office. Dozens of companies, from AT&T to Walmart, have said they will no longer donate to members of Congress who opposed the Electoral College certification of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.
And a senior House Democrat asked big banks and other financial services companies on Friday to stop processing financial transactions for people and organizations that participated in the Capitol riot.
[...] "I can't remember a time when the business community has spoken out so strongly in opposition to an administration on so many important issues," said Rich Lesser, chief executive of Boston Consulting Group.
[...] "C.E.O.s have become the fourth branch of government," said Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, which has pressured big companies to take stands on social issues. "They're trying to hold the country together." The ADL two weeks ago demanded Trump be banned from Twitter and Facebook and impeached from the presidency.
The President was banned from Twitter and Facebook within 24 hours and was impeached by the House in under a week.
According to Greenblatt, this is how they're "saving democracy."
The ADL also successfully pushed to deplatform Parler and when they couldn't knock Gab offline they called for Gab founder Andrew Torba to be investigated by the feds.
In related news, Reuters reported last week that a handful of "billionaire donors" now control our political system.
From Reuters, "Billionaire Donors Outrank Companies In Washington":
Billionaire donors hold more sway than companies in the increasingly expensive business of Washington elections. Firms from JPMorgan to AT&T are rethinking political donations after last week's Capitol violence. But it's people like the late Sheldon Adelson and Mike Bloomberg who have far deeper pockets.
The storming of the seat of U.S. government has spurred a sea change in corporate America. AT&T, the biggest company spender in the last election cycle, said on Monday that it is suspending political donations to Republican lawmakers who objected without evidence to the November presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump. Others, like JPMorgan, paused their giving altogether to reassess their strategy.
If the funding hiatus continues, that will hurt Republicans, especially, as they seek to gain majorities in Congress in the 2022 midterm elections. Through political action committees, or PACs, AT&T contributed more than $2.6 million to candidates in the last cycle while JPMorgan doled out about $1 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
But wealthy individuals give far more. Casino mogul Adelson, who died on Monday, and his wife Miriam were the top contributors for the 2020 election, spending $218 million to back Republicans. Bloomberg came in second with $152 million to support Democrats.
An end or pause in spending by these billionaires would have a big direct impact on candidates. Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman gave $20 million to the Senate Leadership Fund in the months leading up to the November election and then handed out another $15 million to the group to help two Republican candidates in this month's Georgia runoff races for the upper chamber, which collectively cost more than $830 million. Democrats ended up winning, splitting the Senate 50-50 with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris set to cast tie-breaking votes. The late Sheldon Adelson, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Singer, Steve Schwarzman and Jonathan Greenblatt at the ADL are the glue which holds this country together!
[Header image by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0]
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