Rep. Massie: Corona Bailout 'Largest Wealth Transfer From Taxpayers to The Super Rich' in HistoryChris MenahanInformationLiberation Apr. 06, 2020 |
AP: Biden Won't Enforce TikTok Ban He Signed Into Law
Supreme Court Unanimously Upholds Sweeping 'TikTok Ban'
TikTok, Banned by U.S. for Allowing Criticism of Israel to Go Viral, Preparing for Shutdown on Sunday
Journalists Dragged Out of Press Conference for Confronting Antony Blinken on Gaza Genocide
Trump Shares Video Saying Netanyahu Conned America Into War with Iraq and is Pushing War with Iran
Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie shared the inside baseball on his attempt to force a vote on the $6 trillion coronavirus bailout package and how the establishment is now pouring money into his NeverTrump opponent to try and have him defeated. Massie laid it all out in an interview on Monday with the Ron Paul Liberty Report: Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |