'This Is Atrocious': Scottish MSP John Swinney Reacts to 'It's Okay to be White' Posters

Chris Menahan
Dec. 18, 2019

Posters saying "It's Okay to be White" are "atrocious," "unacceptable" and have "no place in Perth or any other part" of Scotland, according to Scotland's deputy first minister John Swinney.

"This is atrocious and has no place in Perth or any other part of our country," Swinney said Tuesday on Twitter. "We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material."

"The stickers were posted on lampposts and drainpipes throughout the city at the weekend," the BBC reports.

The BBC dropped this gem in their report on the incident:
Local group Perth Against Racism said it has been contacted by local people who said the appearance of the stickers had made them feel unsafe.

One person told the group: "I am certainly worried now for my daughters who are not white but are from Perth.

"It's sickening and disgusting to know that people think like this."

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: "Although no complaint has been made to police regarding these posters, they have been brought to our attention and officers are currently looking into the matter."
Newsweek described the posters as "racist."

Saying it's okay to be white is "atrocious," "unacceptable," "sickening," "disgusting" and "racist."

Thanks for getting that on the record.

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