ELECTION MEDDLING: Facebook Censors Viral Trump Caravan Ad

Chris Menahan
Nov. 05, 2018

Facebook's censors have pulled a mega-viral Trump ad urging voters to stop the migrant caravan by voting Republican in the midterms.

From CNET:
Facebook on Monday said it's removing a controversial anti-immigration ad by President Trump's reelection campaign for violating its rules against "sensational content."

The move by the world's largest social network comes after major television outlets, including CNN, NBC and Fox News, refused to run the ad with some deeming it "racist," according to The Daily Beast. The 30-second ad features Luis Bracamontes, an undocumented immigrant who was convicted of killing two California sheriff's deputies in 2014.
This is blatant collusion on behalf of these corporate giants.
"This ad violates Facebook's advertising policy against sensational content so we are rejecting it. While the video is allowed to be posted on Facebook, it cannot receive paid distribution," a Facebook's spokesperson said in a statement to CNET.

On Facebook, the ad targeted voters in midterm battleground states Florida and Arizona ahead of the U.S. midterm elections on Tuesday, according to the social network's ad archive.
President Trump's Campaign Manager for 2020, Brad Parscale, slammed the censorship move on Monday:

Another version of the ad got over 6.4 million viewers on Trump's Twitter account:

The ad shows perfectly what the Democrats' open borders policies are bringing upon America.

More video has since surfaced showing the migrant caravan attacking police in Mexico:

Members of the caravan have openly admitted they were deported for attempted murder:

This is pure election meddling and collusion to keep voters from seeing the truth about this caravan, hundreds of which enter America ever year without the pomp and circumstance.

While Facebook banned Trump's ad they approved this ad put out by Democrats in North Dakota which threatened hunters that they could lose their hunting licenses if they vote:

The ad was a total lie which was only pulled after they were called out by the right-wing media (who are being censored like crazy).

Do not let these corporate tyrants steal this election! The Democrats want open borders to replace the American electorate with foreigners who will vote for socialism and communism!

Everyone needs to GET OUT AND VOTE GOP DOWN THE LINE! This election is a massive opportunity to take America back from these leftist lunatics!

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