Cohen Lawyer Laughed At, Booed After Pitching $500k GoFundMe to Megyn Kelly AudienceChris MenahanInformationLiberation Aug. 22, 2018 |
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Michael Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis was laughed at and booed by Megyn Kelly's audience on Wednesday after asking viewers to pitch in on Michael Cohen's $500,000 GoFundMe campaign. From Mediaite: “Could I take one opportunity to remind everyone that Michael Cohen has suffered a tragic and difficult experience with his family,” Davis said. “He’s without resources, and we’ve set up a website called, that we’re hoping that he will get some help from the American people so he can continue to tell the truth.”Cohen, who Davis says is "without resources," purchased a $6.7 million apartment in New York City just last month:
Everything this crook says should be taken with a massive grain of salt. Davis and Cohen have so far managed to raise almost $50,000 off of the gullible idiots of The Resistance™. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |