An Astonishing Snapshot Of How Twitter Wants To Manage Our ElectionsChris MenahanInformationLiberation Jul. 21, 2018 |
ADL CEO: 'Genius' Behind Pager Attack Needed to Fight Antisemitism
Bernie Sanders: AIPAC Controls Congress, Not Voters
Elon Musk Asks "What Am I Missing?" On Israel - Gets a Mouthful
Facebook's 'Free Speech' Overhaul 'Opened Season on Just About Every Topic Except One'
Report: MAGA 'Influencers' Are Being Paid to Promote Israel, Wind Farms, Weed Legalization And More
Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart was trending on Saturday due to his debate with Democrat Senator Tim Kaine. I clicked the topic at around 12:30 PM, which was around an hour into the debate. What Twitter's algorithms decided to show was page after page of all negative comments, or at best neutral. The majority accused Stewart of being a racist, neo-nazi, white supremacist, white nationalist and so on. Twitter's engineers said they wanted to "ban a way of talking." It appears they're succeeding. At the very bottom of the screenshot, which is around 100 tweets down, you'll find one positive comment. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook and Gab. |