Dennis Rodman Gives Emotional Interview On N. Korea: "Obama Didn't Even Give Me The Time Of Day!"

"When I went back home, I got so many death threats ... I couldn't even go home ... But I kept my head up."
Chris Menahan

Jun. 11, 2018

Basketball great Dennis Rodman cried during an emotional interview early Tuesday on CNN after recounting how he was swarmed with death threats and treated like a pariah after meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un five years ago.

From Fox News:
In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo that quickly became emotionally charged, Rodman, wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat, blasted former President Barack Obama for not taking the North Korean leader seriously.

Five years ago, Rodman said, Kim told Rodman "certain things" to relay to Obama concerning potential negotiations, but the former president "didn't even give me the time of day -- he just brushed me off, but that didn't deter me."

Rodman, who admitted he was "naive" when he first visited the rogue regime, then started weeping and repeatedly dabbed away tears from his eyes as he recounted the blowback he received in the U.S. for visiting Kim.

"When I went back home, I got so many death threats," Rodman said, visibly shaking and crying. "And I believed in North Korea, and I couldn't even go home. I couldn't even go home, for thirty days. But I kept my head up."

[...] Trump reached out to Rodman before the summit through a secretary to tell Rodman he is "very proud" of him, the basketball star claimed.

"We don't need a miracle, but we need the doors to be open so we can start fresh," Rodman said of the historic meeting between the two leaders.

"I just wanna bring sports to North Korea," Rodman said, before saying he'd like to be involved in bringing sports to North Korea. "That's it, sports. ... I'm just so happy to be here, man," he added, calling it "the world's day."

"Donald Trump should take a lot of credit for this. He went out the box and made this happen," Rodman added.
Here's the full interview:

Rodman, as Trump would say, was treated very unfairly by our lying media for daring to meet with Kim in 2013. It's nice to see him getting some redemption. The average Republican a few years ago believed the media and viewed him as some devil creature, but today they're showering him with praise.

One of the most important points he made was this meeting never would have happened if it wasn't for Donald Trump.

He's bucking the establishment on North Korea, Syria (despite his repeated bombings, he destroyed ISIS while Obama let them thrive and cut funding to rebel terrorists backed by the CIA), the Philippines and Russia (at least to the extent he has been able to).

John Bolton is doing everything he can to sabotage the deal, Lindsey Graham is doing everything he can to sabotage the deal and the Democrats are doing everything they can to sabotage the deal, nonetheless it's going forward.

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