NBC News Suddenly Outraged By Birthright Citizenship - Because Russians Are Using It

Chris Menahan
Jan. 10, 2018

NBC News has suddenly become outraged over birthright citizenship -- not because the South has been "Reconquista'd" -- but because wealthy Russians are now taking advantage of it.

"A growing number of Russians are coming to the U.S. to give birth," NBC News tweeted Wednesday. "These kids will have the right to live and work here, receive social services and, when they turn 21, will have the right to sponsor their parents for an American Green Card."

From NBC News:
It's not just the Russians who are coming. Chinese moms-to-be have been flocking to Southern California to give birth for years.

What they are doing is completely legal, as long as they don't lie on any immigration or insurance paperwork. In fact, it's protected by the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says anyone born on American soil is automatically a citizen.

The child gets a lifelong right to live and work and collect benefits in the U.S. And when they turn 21 they can sponsor their parents' application for an American green card.
In case you're wondering, not one mention of "Mexico" or "Mexican moms-to-be" appears in their entire article.

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