"I Have Become a Hack": Politico Reporter Exposed as Clinton Stooge by WikileaksChris MenahanInformationLiberation Oct. 19, 2016 |
ADL CEO: 'Genius' Behind Pager Attack Needed to Fight Antisemitism
Bernie Sanders: AIPAC Controls Congress, Not Voters
Elon Musk Asks "What Am I Missing?" On Israel - Gets a Mouthful
Facebook's 'Free Speech' Overhaul 'Opened Season on Just About Every Topic Except One'
Report: MAGA 'Influencers' Are Being Paid to Promote Israel, Wind Farms, Weed Legalization And More
"Please don't share or tell anyone I did this". From LifeZette: The latest trove of emails released by WikiLeaks Monday proves even further collusion between large, ostensibly mainstream media outlets and the Democratic Party. Don't worry too much Glenn, all your cohorts are doing the same. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter and Facebook. |