Germany: 87-Yr-Old Grandmother Sentenced to Prison for Questioning Holocaust

Chris Menahan
Sep. 04, 2016

An 87-year-old grandmother has been sentenced to prison in Germany for questioning the holocaust.

A court in Detmold on Friday sentenced Ursula Haverbeck to eight months in jail on charges of sedition. The presiding judge ruled out the possibility of parole and said that Haverbeck had a lack of "any kind of respect" and that she had made more offensive comments in the courtroom.

Haverbeck is expected to appeal against the sentencing. In Germany, anyone who publicly denies, endorses or plays down the extermination of Jews during Adolf Hitler's regime can be sentenced to a maximum of five years in jail.

Haverbeck was found guilty of writing a letter to Detmold's mayor, Rainer Heller, saying it was "clearly recognizable" that Auschwitz was nothing more than a labor camp. She wrote her message at the time when the Detmold court was trying Reinhold Hanning, a former guard who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

The 94-year-old was sentenced to five years in prison after the court found him guilty of being an accessory to the murder of 170,000 people, mostly Jews. Haverbeck spoke about Hanning's trial in her letter, alleging that the witnesses at the trial were set up to prove the existence of the concentration camp.
While the German government covers-up and fails to prosecute endless rapes committed by Merkel's beloved migrants, Haverbeck is to be thrown in a cage for historical revisionism.

Incidentally, of the people Merkel is importing, almost all of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa, only 8% believe the holocaust "was accurately described by history."

In 2015, Haverbeck gave her side of the story on the German TV show Panorama.

On the show, she said "the Holocaust is the biggest and longest-lasting lie in history," for which she was sentenced to 10 months in prison, though the case is now on appeal.

If found guilty in that case and her sentence is not reduced for this one, she'll be thrown into prison for 18 months and hit with some €10,000 in fines.

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