Soros: 'Xenophobic' EU Countries Must Take On Massive Debt To Pay For RefugeesChris MenahanInformationLiberation Feb. 18, 2016 |
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![]() ![]() Soros writes in "The Case for Surge Funding": Important progress was made at the donors’ conference for Syrian refugees convened in London on Feb. 4. But much more remains to be done.Translation: you must bankrupt your countries even further or else we'll call you racist "xenophobes" for not wanting to be overrun by foreigners going on raping sprees. Surge funding has been used often to finance immunization campaigns. The International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm), which borrows against future government contributions to immunization programs, has raised billions of dollars over the past several years to ensure that vaccination campaigns are successful as soon as possible. In the long run, this is more effective than spending the same amount of money in yearly installments. IFFIm provides a convincing precedent for the current crisis.See, it's not that the general population has legitimate grievances as a result of the refugees committing mass molestation and crime, they're just in a state of "panic" because they're xenophobic bigots, a panic which can only be solved by giving the "refugees" more money, because like he said, the damage they face due to the "false sense" they're a "burden and a danger" is what's "most destructive." Just go deeper into debt to save these people while your own countrymen suffer. A surge in spending is needed both in Europe and in frontline states like Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The necessary investments include an overhaul of the EU's asylum policy and improvement of its border controls. In frontline states, money is needed to provide refugees with formal employment opportunities, health care, and education. If life for refugees is made tolerable in frontline countries, and they believe that an orderly process is in place for gaining entry to Europe, they are more likely to wait their turn, rather than rushing to Europe and overwhelming the system. Similarly, if the refugee crisis can be brought under control, the panic will subside and the European public will be less prone to support anti-migrant policies.They'll integrate fine if you just give them more money. Also, the more you give them the less will come. Jordan could provide a test case. A country of 9.5 million people, it is providing refuge to 2.9 million non-citizens, including 1.27 million Syrians, and facing the influx of additional Syrians uprooted by Russian bombing. A combination of massive upfront direct financial assistance, enhanced trade preferences, and temporary debt relief is needed. A successful program for Jordan could demonstrate the international community's ability to bring the refugee crisis under control, opening the way to similar programs for other frontline states, adjusted on a case-by-case basis, depending on local conditions.It "could" work out great, but so far Jordan is going to s**t. The approach suggested here would cost more than EU member states can afford out of current budgets. A minimum of 40 billion euros ($45 billion) needs to be spent annually in the next three to five years; but even larger amounts would be justified to bring the migration crisis under control. In fact, so far, lack of adequate financing is the main obstacle to implementation of successful programs in any of the frontline countries, particularly in Turkey. While Germany has an unallocated budget surplus of 6 billion euros ($6.8 billion), other EU countries are running deficits. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has proposed a pan-European fuel tax, but that would demand either unanimous agreement or a coalition of the willing.How dare those Germans try to hold onto the money they've earned through their own hard work. Everything would work out great if they would just be like every other country and bankrupt themselves with mountains of debt so I can short them for huge profits. This enhances the merits of having recourse to the EU's largely unused AAA credit. The migration crisis poses an existential threat to the EU. Indeed, with the north pitted against the south, and the east confronting the west, the EU is coming apart at the seams. When should the EU's AAA credit be mobilized if not at a moment when the EU is in mortal danger? It is not as if there is no precedent for this approach; throughout history, governments have issued bonds in response to national emergencies.Got that, Europeans? Going into debt to support foreigners will actually help your economy. It's a win-win; you get all the debt and the refugees get all the money. Here's a better idea: admit it was a horrible idea from the get-go, apologize to your people, and kick the migrants the hell out. If you actually want to help these people, rather than destabilize the entirety of Europe in the name of "multiculturalism," set up a safe-zone in Syria or elsewhere in the middle east for a fraction of the cost and help them out in their own lands. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter and like us on Facebook. |