Control Grid: The Prison Without Bars1984 was a picnic compared to modern day leviathan surveillance cagePrison Planet Jan. 19, 2006 |
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Recent revelations of the NSA spying on American citizens re-awakened debates about big brother and when state surveillance of its citizens goes too far. The fact is that the modern implementation of the prison planet has far surpassed even Orwell's 1984 and the only difference between our society and those fictionalized by Huxley, Orwell and others, is that the advertising techniques used to package the propaganda are a little more sophisticated on the surface. Yet just a quick glance behind the curtain reveals that the age old tactics of manipulation of fear and manufactured consensus are still being used to force humanity into accepting the terms of its own imprisonment and in turn policing others within the prison without bars. All over the United States, Canada and Britain, surveillance camera systems are being installed on street corners, in public bathrooms, in residential neighborhoods, and even in parks and forests. We are asked to trust the government underlings who control them that they are working for our best interests as said underlings are caught using the cameras to spy on naked women in their homes. In the UK, government programs encourage citizens to spy on their neighbors and report suspicious activity as part of a CCTV channel subscriber package. Homeland Security funding is being utilized to fund this mass expansion of the surveillance state in the US as city and state officials clamor at the teat of Big Brother to milk the cash cow of the police state and win the contracts for installing more and more sophisticated spy cameras. The government demands to know everything about our private lives and catalogue, file and index every aspect of our existence, yet government itself becomes more and more secret with each passing day as it engages in escalating criminal activities. The warning of Rousseau, that "man is born free yet everywhere he is in chains" has come to pass. A majority of Westerners define freedom as the freedom to have a television and shop at Wal Mart. True freedoms, innate freedoms are no longer understood or practiced by a majority. The most fundamental freedom, freedom of speech, is now subject to free speech zones. Areas that coincidentally preclude anywhere where media would be present, any place that the speech would be heard. The message is clear, you have freedom of speech but only if nobody can hear that speech. Full body scanners that produce a photo fit of our naked bodies are being introduced into airports and trains. RFID tracking tags are being added to every item we purchase, sending out a surveillance hum back to Big Brother HQ from the warehouse to the landfill. Toll roads that read sensors on our license plates are taxing and tracing us across the country. GPS Black boxes in our cars report back to the government on exactly where we have traveled and where we are heading. Small towns in Florida were already running scans on cars three years ago and that program has vastly expanded across the country. Security blimps that are used against insurgents in Iraq are soaring high in major cities to report suspicious activity. |