Nero (And His Cabinet) Fiddle While Rome Burns
Sep. 03, 2005

The tragedy in New Orleans is undoubtedly one of the worst the people of this nation have ever faced. A once bastion of freedom is now underwater in a cocktail of toxic waste. Little children are being raped, mass murder is being committed, and people just like you and I are dying.

Amidst all this chaos, how do "our" government "officials" respond? Do they drop everything and work to help the country they swore an oath to defend? Do they immediately commit themselves to helping the people being raped literally and figuratively in this tragedy?


Breaking: Condi Rice Spends Salary on Shoes

Just moments ago at the Ferragamo on 5th Avenue, Condoleeza Rice was seen spending several thousands of dollars on some nice, new shoes

Condi Rice Continues to Shop Up a Storm

"Secret service is all over Seventh Avenue. That f*cking worthless b*tch is shopping in showrooms right now."

Omigod: DICK CHENEY Has Been On Vacation!

Vice President Cheney, who has spent part of August at his home outside scenic Jackson, Wyo., remains there today -- although his spokeswoman, Lea Anne McBride, doesn't call it vacation.
And when is he coming back? "He will certainly be coming back. I'm not able to tell you the day right now. I don't have that handy."


IN a picture sure to strike a sour note with the American public, President Bush strums a guitar for the cameras - as New Orleans sinks below the waves.

Mr Bush was at Coronado Naval Base in Texas with entertainer Mark Wills as Hurricane Katrina's 145mph winds killed hundreds on the the Gulf Coast when he committed the PR blunder.

Is this how you would respond if you were in their positions? Would you end your vacation in Jackson Wyoming "two days after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf States"? Would you strum a guitar for the cameras "as New Orleans sinks below the waves"? Would you go out and spend "several thousands of dollars on some nice, new shoes"? How then can you accept it when your public servants do?

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