Caught Red Handed: Police Swear Man They Shot Tried to Ram Them, Video Shows They Rammed Him, Attempted Mafia-Style Hit

Chris | InformationLiberation
Aug. 31, 2011

This video is unbelievable. Police in unmarked cars surround a man with their vehicles and ram into him, then get out and shoot him in a scene reminiscent of a mafia style hit. The cops in this case lied about everything. They claimed the man rammed into them and was attempting to kill them, yet the video shows the exact opposite.

The police are now doing an "independent" investigation into themselves and they've said they may "review" their policies or give their officers more "training." (See: Yeah, That's It. They Need 'More Training.')

If our laws were just, the police would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder, instead they're investigating themselves and making millions on the taxpayer dole.

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