Greenwald: War-Hungry Maddow 'Wrote An Entire Book in 2012 Denouncing Illegal US Endless War'

Chris Menahan
Dec. 22, 2018

Glenn Greenwald noted Friday on Twitter that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who is currently suggesting that Trump pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan is part of a Russkie conspiracy, "wrote an entire book in 2012 denouncing illegal US Endless War without congressional approval - exactly what Syria is."

Greenwald was responding to Michael Tracey, who expressed outrage earlier about Maddow shilling for war:

Earlier this year Maddow also attacked President Trump for ending war games with North Korea, which she also suggested was a Russkie conspiracy.

In the bizarro world propagandists like Maddow have created, everything which happens in the universe is the result of a Russkie conspiracy.

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