HuffPost Germany: Native Germans Should Be Replaced With Foreigners to Halt Rise Of Populism

Chris Menahan
Jul. 12, 2018

A writer for HuffPost Germany called for the German people to be "abolished" and for Germany to be "repeopled" with foreigners to stop the rise of right-wing populism.

Veit Lindner wrote Monday in an article titled, "Repeople us! Why the German people should be abolished" (as translated by Diversity Macht Frei):
If the stinking mental flatulence of the New Right is to be the “Deutsche Volk” [German people] again, it would actually be best to just replace them. Attention, Germans! Fall in for comprehensive repeopling! [Umvolkung]

Black, brown, yellow, white, Asians and Arabs, Africans, you people from America, India, people of all faiths – come and help us! Stream in and repeople us, but thoroughly!

Let us give this lovely stretch of land a lovelier future than “Wire Fence” Michel and the folk community of contempt are preparing for it. Repeopling is actually an astonishingly rational suggestion when you look into it more closely.
As no one who isn’t a few pillars short of a fence would shed a tear for this “German people” of timidity, envy and stink-raising, it would help all those other Germans who wish only the best for their country: those who, like me, were born here and have been living here for generations, as well as all the new Germans, wherever they come from.

Let us then build a new Germany together, built on the values of democracy, diversity, solidarity and responsibility, but also fun and passion – a people that no longer needs a wire mesh fence because we are either all foreigners or no one is.

A little more genetic and cultural seed-scattering here and a little more self-abolition through reproduction fatigue there – that, as Deniz Yücel once called it, would be the “most beautiful side of the perishing of a people”.
Recently, neocon globalists Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post both similar called for "contemptible Republican cowards" to be replaced with "hard-working Latin American" illegal immigrants in order to "enhance America's greatness."

Boot wrote:
"If only we could keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers and deport the contemptible Republican cowards — that would truly enhance America’s greatness."
Rubin shared the quote on Twitter, adding, "yes!"

Neocon globalist Bill Kristol similarly said "lazy, spoiled" white working class voters should be replaced with immigrants in February of 2017:

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