Whoops: OANN Called Alabama Senate Election For Roy Moore

Chris Menahan
Dec. 12, 2017

The One America News Network jumped the gun on Tuesday and announced Roy Moore had won the Alabama Senate special election.

From OANN's now deleted article, "Roy Moore Sweeps Alabama Election To Win Senate Seat":
The president of OANN Robert Herringne would like to congratulate Moore on the fine campaign he and his wife have run.

Speaking with campaign representatives, we’re being told there are strong signs the majority of voters have come out in support of the judge.

Reports show at least 64% of voters are fiercely opposed to many of Doug Jones’ key platform issues.

Campaign officials say the latest results show Moore up by at least eight points over his opponent.

OAN would also like to congratulate the people of Alabama. We provided you with the facts and you stood your ground and refused to let outsiders steal your election.
Moore ended up losing by around 1.5%, though he may still call for a recount. Trump swept the state in the 2016 presidential election by 28 points.

As of 12:oo p.m. EST, OANN has yet to address their unfortunate mistake.

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