The Many Benefits of 9/11

by John Brennan
Dec. 28, 2011

September 11, 2001, is another date that will live in infamy. The tragic events that occurred on this day have forever changed the United States, and the world. Like similar events in history, it served as a catalyst, creating a flurry of new rules, regulations and, as we now see, serious restrictions on the freedoms we once had. Just as Pearl Harbor launched America into WWII, and the burning of the Reichstag building in Germany granted untold powers to Hitler, 9/11 has allowed America to demonstrably flex its muscles around the world, while at the same time, severely limiting our civil liberties here at home. In one fell swoop, it enabled the government to deal with many nagging problems. If one didn’t know better, I’d have to say that 9/11 was exactly what the doctor ordered.

Stop and consider how the United States has benefited from 9/11. Think of all the subsequent drastic actions that have occurred since the attack. For the relatively small price of only 3,000 souls, the US has aggressively dealt with issues effecting all totalitarian empires: controlling not only the world, but clamping down on its own people.

In the aftermath of 9/11, we invaded two countries, securing for ourselves massive amounts of oil and other minerals. It has allowed us to permanently station troops in the troublesome Middle East and in Afghanistan, thus permitting us to keep a better eye on China. All traditionally uniformed American soldiers may have pulled out of Iraq, but left behind is the world’s largest embassy and a powerful private army dressed in civilian clothes, there to ensure a steady flow of oil. We chose Iraq because it was the weakest regime in the area. The Bush family had some unfinished business with old Saddam, and 9/11 gave Junior the green light on eliminating the former friend and ally of the US. It may not seem like we’re still there, but we are and will be for a long time to come.

We have built 14 US military bases in Afghanistan, which tells me we aren’t planning on leaving there either. In the future, American soldiers will be garrisoned there on long term rotational tours. The British and Russians both occupied the place for a while, but weren’t strong enough to hang on to it militarily, but we will. Why did those two countries want Afghanistan? For the same reasons we do; minerals and opium. The British fought two wars over the control of opium, we’ve only had to fight one.

Here at home, 9/11 allowed the government to solve our illegal immigration problem. For years we had been complaining about all the undocumented people sneaking into the country from south of the border, down Mexico way. Even though we loved having cheap labor to pick our crops, clean our homes and mow our lawns, illegals were beginning to tax our generous social programs. So shortly after 9/11, the United States went from hating Middle Eastern terrorists to hating Spanish speaking illegal immigrants. We initially implemented sweeping reforms designed to keep away destructive Muslims who, in the words of George W., "hate the freedom we have in America", but at the same time, we put a stop to the flow of undocumented brown skinned folks from the poorer countries to our south. 9/11 really got the ball rolling on this issue.

America also had another problem prior to 9/11; home grown dissidents. How do you keep these troublemakers under control? Simple, you give police and FBI power to perform illegal wiretaps and the ability to secretly carry out warrant-less "sneak and peek" searches of homes. Once again, the events of September 11, was exactly what was needed.

Think of how much power the Transportation Security Administration or TSA now has over our lives. Under the guise of fighting terrorism, it now serves as the eyes and ears of Big Brother, inspecting our luggage and persons for all things illicit, and listening for any "anti-authority sounding remarks". Random searches are inherent in all police states. It keeps us off-guard and instills fear in people. The TSA is primarily at airports now, but soon they will be everywhere. I will predict that in the near future, you will not be allowed to leave the country without getting clearance from the TSA, and without Homeland Security giving you the stamp of approval. Coming soon to shopping centers, sporting events and all public transportation will be armed guards looking out for your safety. Hey, you can never tell when a terrorist may want to blowup the Old Navy store or the miniature train at the local amusement park. In search of that one terrorist, they will harass the lives of millions.

Homeland Security’s VIPER program randomly stops vehicles on highways and is now searching people in bus stations. They may say the intrusive nature of these inspections are designed for your safety, but in reality, the pat downs, body scans and highway checkpoints are designed to clamp down on drug and money shipments. If you haven’t heard, the amount of arrests at airports for small amounts of drugs and large sums of money have skyrocketed since 9/11. The TSA, we were told, was formed to keep us safe from terrorism, but once again, it is meant for no other reason than to keep an eye on the American people.

The Patriot Act was written long before 9/11; it just needed some event to push it through congress. Like the Enabling Act passed in Germany after the Reichstag fire, the Patriot Act did nothing more than tighten the grip on the very people it was meant to protect. It’s easy to fool the population if you tell them what you are doing is for their own safety. Hell, its worked throughout history.

Probably one of the most noticeable changes implemented post 9/11, is the militarization of police forces across America. Once again, under the guise of fighting terrorism, the police have now armed themselves like never before, prepared to fight off terrorists who hate our freedom here. But what’s funny, is they are the ones who actually hate our freedoms. Sure, if an attack by terrorists ever occurs, that police department in Fargo, North Dakota with their new armored personnel carrier and AR-15’s will now stand a better chance against these folks, but what’s the chance of anything happening at all in this windswept prairie town? These uniformed thugs armed to the teeth will most likely never encounter any terrorist, but will be more than willing to place a boot on the throat of any non-compliant, unruly citizen. 9/11 has given these new robocops a reason to live. It has given every small-minded nobody in uniform the opportunity to be a hero, or at least think of himself as one.

Yes folks, America benefited greatly from the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The government now has a reason to strip us of our liberties and keep us all on the leach of tyranny. The men who flew those airplanes into those buildings gave America a reason to unveil its true identity; that of a war mongering, totalitarian police state. The land of the free has become the land of fear. Fear is a powerful tool to keep people under control, and America was handed the reins of fear on a silver platter. Did the government know in advance of the attacks like Roosevelt knew of Pearl Harbor? I think they were aware something was going to happen. Was a decision made not to do anything? Yes, I think so. As I stated before, 3,000 deaths is a small price to pay in order to declare war on the world and strip the American people of the freedom they once cherished. If this oppression continues, which I am sure it will, the American people will begin to fight back. How much is too much? Remember, once the government gains control of something, it never relinquishes it. How far are the freedom-loving Americans willing to be pushed? Only time will tell my friend, only time will tell.
John Brennan [send him mail] is a freelance writer living in Mexico and will respond to any comments.

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