Gore's mountain of misinformation

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun
Dec. 05, 2009

Holland’s Elsevier reports on new research that once more shows Al Gore faked his findings in An Inconvenient Truth:
Former American vice president and Nobel Prize winner Gore has for years used the melting snow on Africa’s highest mountain (5892 metres) for his climate propaganda. The snow cover is shrinking and that is caused by man and his greenhouse gases!

The Dutch scientist Jaap Sinninghe Damste` debunks this story of climate guru Gore in the leading periodical Nature.

A natural process of large climate shifts seems to be the true cause, says the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research on Thursday....

The researcher and European colleagues discovered that Kilimanjaro underwent successive periods of heavy monsoons and extreme dryness. Ice and snow retreat from the top in dry periods and return in the very wet ones....

Al Gore must find another symbol for his climate problem. Kilimanjaro does now have little snow on the peak, but that seems to be completely natural.
(My translation.)

No doubt a correction of this and all the other errors and exaggerations in Gore’s film, which made much of Kilimanjaro’s snow cover, will be sent to the millions of students forced to watch it as a lesson in “science”.

Oh, and what did the CSIRO top expert in global warming effects, Penny Whetton, say of this farrago of exaggerations, distortions and untruths upon its release - when even a mere journalist then could see through the bunkum?
“I was really quite moved, and given that this film was about a topic I deal with every day, this says something about how powerfully it communicates its message. Its scientific basis is very sound.” 4.75 out of 5
Retraction, please, Ms Whetton.


I’m not sure even The Australian’s journalists have quite caught up with the public’s sudden revolt against scaremongers like Al Gore. Check the readers’ comments to its latest report on the Great Green Gore’s pronouncements.

(Thanks to readers Fiona and John.)

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