Kids Arrested for Food Fight

Students kept at police station for hours, parents say

NBC Chicago
Nov. 12, 2009

Mom always told you not to play with your food. She probably didn't tell you that you could get arrested for it though.

More than two dozen students, ranging in age from 11 to 15 years old, were arrested on criminal charges after a food fight in a cafeteria at a Chicago charter school.

According to reports, a good old-fashioned food fight broke out Thursday at the Perspectives Charter Schools in Calumet. Someone tossed a piece of food, someone else threw an orange, someone yelled "Food fight!," and chaos ensued.

Twenty-five students were taken into custody at about 12 noon and charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct.

We remember when students were just sent giggling to the principal's office. But apparently, now some fries in the sky will earn a trip to the police station. Who knew handcuffs came in an 11-year-old's size?

To make matters worse, the students' parents allege that police kept their kids at the Gresham District police station for over 5 hours before they were notified.

Parents are also concerned that the charges could affect future jobs and college applications. Even if the charges are dropped, the offense will remain on the students' juvenile records until they are 17.

So remember, kids: a food fight is grounds for arrest. Especially if you're throwing Brussels sprouts. Those are just nasty.
Matt Bartosik, a "between blogs" blogger, lives to fight another day.

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