Gore Made $500K from Toxic Mines

Mar. 18, 2007

Aerial of Al Gore's family Zinc mine. September 26, 2006. (Mandy Lunn/ The Tennessean)

Former vice-president and global warming guru Al Gore Jr. received more than $500,000 in royalties from the owners of zinc mines, according to a report on Tennessean.com.

The mine owners held mineral leases on Gore's farm near Carthage, Tenn.

Before being shut down in 2003, the mines emitted thousands of pounds of toxic substances.

Reportedly, on several occasions, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal.

Now the mines have a new owner and are scheduled to reopen later this year.

State environmental officials, however, say that overall, the mine has had a good environmental record.

Furthermore, the officials note there is no evidence of unusual health problems in the area.

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