Arizona State Senator Introduces Anti-NAU Resolution

Mary Benoit
Feb. 10, 2007

Arizona Senator Karen Johnson (R-Mesa) introduced Senate Concurrent Memorial 1002. The bill would urge U.S. withdrawal from the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, and the North American Union. The text of the legislation is similar to other resolutions offered in South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.

In part, SCM 1002 states:

That the Congress of the United States take action to withdraw the United States from any further participation in any other bilateral or multilateral activity that seeks to advance, authorize, fund or in any way promote the creation of any structure to accomplish any form of a North American Union.

More and more state legislatures are coming on board to oppose the NAU. Just recently, the Utah House of Representatives passed HJR 7 by a vote of 47-24. The bill now rests in a Senate committee until it comes up for a Senate vote.

Other states are expected to offer similar resolutions in the near future. As most members of Congress deny any agenda to merge the United States, Canada and Mexico into a North American Union, state legislatures are listening to the voices of their constituents who are demanding them to say "No" to the NAU.

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