Pelosi says 'no' on Rangel's draft bill

Nov. 20, 2006

Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Monday Rep. Charlie Rangel's, D-New York, call for a reinstatement of the draft is something he has long championed to promote shared sacrifice. But Pelosi, having just concluded a meeting with incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, to discuss the Democratic agenda, said the leadership will not support the measure.

"It's not about a draft it's about shared sacrifice in our country," Pelosi told reporters in her Capitol Hill office. "Mr. Rangel will be very busy with his work on the Ways and Means Committee which jurisdiction is quite different, but he is a strong voice for social justice in our country. And that's a way to make a point that this war has not involved or made any shared sacrifice."

When asked directly if she supported the measure, Pelosi said "No. No."

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