Cernovich: "Frank Fahrenkopf Has Tentatively Agreed to Allow 'Zoom' For At Least One of The Presidential Debates"

Chris Menahan
Aug. 17, 2020

Mike Cernovich reported Sunday that Frank Fahrenkopf, the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, has "tentatively agreed to allow 'Zoom' for at least one of the presidential debates."

Cernovich has broken a lot of news in the past but no one else is reporting this yet, so make of it what you will.

Not surprisingly, the notion drew a lot of outrage.

Democrats and media hacks have been laying the groundwork for Biden to outright cancel the debates for over a month now.

Thanks to the virus, Biden could theoretically be elected president without ever leaving his basement.

Biden would be 78-years-old when assuming office, making him the oldest president in the history of America.

Remember how when John McCain was running all the media ever talked about was how old he was?

If McCain was elected in 2008, he would have assumed office at age 72.

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