MSNBC Guest, After Story Debunked, Claims Students Chanted 'Build The Wall' At Native American

Chris Menahan
Jan. 21, 2019

Monday on MSNBC, Indigenous People's March organizer and tribal rights lawyer Tara Houska repeated the debunked lies that Covington Catholic students "surrounded" Native American Nathan Phillips and chanted "build the wall" at him.

From Free Beacon:
"I saw the elder that was there, Nathan Phillips, and the people around him, but I didn't realize what would end up happening, which was them surrounding him, chanting ‘build the wall,' and a youth standing directly in his face, in a very leering, aggressive manner," she said.

She then acknowledged she saw none of this firsthand.

"You had walked away prior to that point happening," MSNBC host Hallie Jackson said.

"I personally kind of felt unsafe," Houska said, saying she felt the "energy in the air change" and had asked a man to escort her away.

[...]Houska said she rejected high school junior Nick Sandmann claim's he was trying to defuse the situation and said he was "clearly mocking" Phillips. The image of Sandmann smiling as Phillips beat his drums inches from his face went viral along with the video itself. Phillips said he felt threatened and blocked from moving, while Sandmann said he was trying to calm things down.

"Clearly those students have no idea who Native American people are, to surround an indigenous elder and chant ‘build the wall,' kind of exposes that it really has nothing to do with border security," Houska said. "It seems like it's an issue of race and white supremacy."

Although she admitted earlier in the interview she didn't personally witness the standoff between Phillips and Sandmann, she said "I was there" and "I witnessed something that was very aggressive and something that was very frightening."

"To see that kind of level of antagonism and hate, you know, you can't fake that," she said.
At no point did Jackson correct her, even though she was literally sitting there with Nick Sandmann's statement. Does anyone believe Jackson hasn't seen by now the extended videos showing Phillips approached the students and got in their faces -- banging his drum within inches of Sandmann's head while chanting at him?

There is zero evidence the students chanted "build the wall" at Phillips in any of the videos produced and they all firmly deny doing so, but Houska -- who is a lawyer -- insists it happened even though she admits she wasn't even there.

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