FBI Won't Investigate Brett Kavanaugh Over Dianne Feinstein's Last Minute #MeToo Letter

Chris Menahan
Sep. 13, 2018

The Democrats' last Hail Mary pass to block Judge Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court appears to have fallen flat.

From The Daily Mail:
The FBI is declining to investigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's connection to a Democratic senator's mysterious claim that troubling 'information' had come to her – information reportedly concerning sexual misconduct when he was in high school.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said Thursday in a statement that she had referred her information to federal investigators, just a week before the U.S. Senate is scheduled to begin a series of votes on his nomination.

Feinstein is a liberal California Democrat who has called on her colleagues to slow down the march toward confirming President Donald Trump's pick to succeed Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The Washington Post reported Thursday evening that the FBI handed the senator's materials over to the White House instead of opening a probe, and considered it an update to his background check file.

'Upon receipt of the information on the night of September 12, we included it as part of Judge Kavanaugh's background file, as per the standard process,' an FBI official told the Post.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Feinstein received a letter about the unspecified allegations against Kavanaugh 'this summer' – meaning she may have held onto it for dramatic effect at an inopportune moment for Republicans.

Debra Katz, a Washington, D.C. lawyer best known for representing women who make '#MeToo'-style accusations against powerful men, is reportedly representing the unnamed woman. Katz was seen leaving Capitol Hill on Wednesday night.
No doubt the "mysterious" letter contained some such epic comedy:

"Your honor, he kissed me after a date back in High School without my expressed written, notarized permission!"

"I now realize that due to power dynamics -- he was 15 and I was 13 -- it was literal rape!"

It's too bad it wasn't released so we could all laugh at it!

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