Jeff Flake's Anti-Trump Speech Attended By Only Two Senators

Chris Menahan
Jan. 17, 2018

Senator Jeff Flake's second anti-Trump speech delivered Wednesday on the Senate floor was attended by only two senators, both of whom are Democrats.

From The Hill:
Two senators were present for Sen. Jeff Flake's (R-Ariz.) speech on the Senate floor Wednesday criticizing President Trump's attacks on the news media.

Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) listened to Flake's speech in the chamber and spoke in support of his comments after.

"I'm afraid once again that his actions will cast a shadow over our constitutional commitment to the basic freedoms we enjoy in America," Durbin said, referencing Trump's relationship with the news media.

Senators do not normally sit in and listen to other senator's speeches.
Considering the media's been hyping it all week, you'd think it would have been a bigger draw. I guess no one cared to hear the same crappy speech he already gave a second time.

Flake announced his retirement last year after realizing it's no longer the 1960s and his brand of open borders conservatism (which conserved nothing) is dead. He's now spending all his time fighting to help Democrats win, including by donating to their campaigns.

During his latest speech, Flake compared Trump to Stalin, presumably because Hitler comparisons are passe:
“2017 was a year which saw the truth… more battered and abused than at any time in the history of our country at the hands of the most powerful figure in our government. It was a year which saw the White House enshrine ‘alternative facts’ into the American lexicon as justification for what used to be simply called ‘old-fashioned falsehoods.’ It was a year in which an unrelenting daily assault on free speech was launched by the White House… ‘The enemy of the people’ was how the President of the United States called the free press in 2017. Mr. President, it is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own President uses words infamously spoken by Joseph Stalin to describe his enemies.”
"Free press," lol.

As I noted earlier today, Flake has not only lost his Senate seat but he seems to have also lost his own young son to 4chan.

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