NBC News: Gamers Are Racist, Sexist, KKK Members Who Hate Women & Minorities

Chris Menahan
Oct. 31, 2017

Gamers, specifically "white male gamers," are racist, sexist, Klansmen who hate women and minorities, so says NBC News.

NBC's Melanie Bencosme produced a segment on Monday titled, "How Gamers Are Facilitating The Rise Of The Alt-Right," which is getting a wee bit of backlash.

At the time of publication, the video has only 115 upvotes compared to over 5,000 downvotes on YouTube.

"People don't believe that mainstream media is fake news because Trump says it, people believe mainstream media is fake news because of articles like this," one of the top comments reads. "We're a target of the very thing mainstream media tries to claim doesn't exist."

NBC's Bencosme's piece starts by lying about Gamergate, which she says was a movement to "intimidate and harass female journalists, under the guise of fairness in video game journalism," and ends by saying James Alex Fields Jr. was a video gamer.

The in between is a series of photoshopped tweets with #Gamergate tagged onto them and a discussion with "PhD candidate" Emma Vossen on how gaming culture has "always been racist" and "always been sexist."

Here's a sampling of the top comments before they're deleted:

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