Their hearts were young and gay -- Is AIDS murder-by-government?

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D
Dec. 11, 2005

On my desk are three books claiming that AIDS is a 'depopulation' device. The authors believe that this immunity-suppressing disease was intentionally created in the laboratory in the1970s with the new tools of genetic engineering. It was tried out like a form of bio-warfare, first on homosexuals in New York and then on heterosexuals in Africa (and the presumed plan is 'More to follow.') Of these three books, one is written by a physician, Alan Cantwell; one by a lawyer, Boyd Graves; and one by a dentist, Leonard Horowitz. Since their allegations are far from the mainstream, I shall be attentive to these authors' motives as well as to their research methods.

Let's start with Alan Cantwell. Luckily for us he published an article last week, on Jeff Rense's website, in which he steps down considerably from the claims he made in his 1993 book Queer Blood. He is the most believable of the three authors because of the carefulness of his work and his limited agenda. He showed in Queer Blood that there was plenty to be suspicious about, regarding the 1978 experiments conducted in New York on a new vaccine for hepatitis B. Government-funded researchers openly advertised for volunteers from the gay community to be vaccinated. Advertisements were placed in magazines read by the most promiscuous gay males.

Why choose promiscuous individuals? Perhaps the research bosses knew that the vaccine would contain a new transmissible virus, HIV, and that these men would spread it quickly in the gay community. Does Cantwell claim, then, that the whole affair was done with malice aforethought? Yes, in his 1993 book he does. But in his 2005 article he reports new information that, he admits, could provide a benign explanation of the sudden outbreak of AIDS among the volunteers. This new piece of evidence has come about because all of the blood samples taken from the volunteers at their first session have remained in cold storage and can be tested for various things. More on that later.

Now to the book by Boyd Graves, State Origin, published in 2002. Many readers know Graves from his website, where he tries to stir the audience into political action concerning the deliberate genocide of African Americans through a state-sponsored disease, AIDS. In fact he says, "White people out there, you should help us Blacks now because soon it may be your turn. Whites who are elderly may be targeted for involuntary euthanasia." (That was a paraphrase.) And note: in Africa itself, AIDS-related deaths are devastating whole families by the millions.

The only evidence that Graves produces on his website is a photograph of himself holding a large flowchart, dated 1971, that outlines a major secret government project. The chart shows the coordination, over a 15-year period, of thousands of scientific papers on virus research, cancer research, and the laboratory production of diseases. Because the small print in the photograph is too difficult to read, I sent away for the book. The only value of the book, and it is no small value, is that it records Graves' interaction with politicians and doctors over the last few years. There is page after page of correspondence related to his pleas for investigation of genocide-by-AIDS.

I suggested above that my trust of Cantwell is based on his cautious, conservative approach to evidence, such as the blood samples. My faith in Boyd Graves, my willingness to believe his accusations about state sponsorship, comes from the replies he has received to his many letters. When he writes to congresspersons he invariably gets the 'bedbug letter' (a routine letter that a hotel sends to guests who complains about bedbugs -- thanking them for their interest and assuring them that the problem will be taken care of). In State Origin, Graves reprints a raft of bedbug letters from politicians and revealingly uncooperative letters from medical professionals.

For Graves, the villain is Dr Robert Gallo who won a Nobel Prize for his AIDS research. Gallo's entry in Who's Who does indeed reflect the famous flowchart, his career having passed through the relevant stages of virus research and cancer research. There is a book by Peter Duesberg (not reviewed here) entitled Inventing the AIDS Virus (1996). Duesberg never mentions the genocide theory; the controversy that he covers has only to do with the rivalry between Gallo and French scientist Luc Montagnier to win the prize. Dishonesty is alleged. My guess is that this whole book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, was undertaken to distract the public from the 'other' controversy. Of course I may be wrong on that, but no doubt there is such a genre today as 'book of distraction.' The disciplines of psy-ops and disinformation leave nothing to chance!

What about Leonard Horowitz? I have not read his Emerging Viruses (1996), which, according to the advertisement, claims that West Nile virus and ebola were created in laboratories and then dispersed in order to harm society. His Death in the Air (2001) presents his AIDS theory, and has chapters about other subjects such as chemtrails and HAARP. Horowitz is trained in public health as well as dentistry and he mentions his ability to recognize public health propaganda.

All of Horowitz's books come from a backyard press called Tetrahedron, which is also the name of his website. On that website his controversial muckraking is dwarfed by his promotion of alternative medicine and what he calls 'healing celebrations.' Dr. Horowitz travels the lecture circuit and will give consultations over the phone, presumably for a fee.

Death in the Air is a well-produced book. It contains massive data, yet is written in such a pleasing style that you never have to stop to unpack a phrase or a sentence. There are also many exhibits of official documents. Politically the book makes many no-holds-barred accusations. Among Horowitz's targets are the National Institutes of Health, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Center for Disease Control, the drug companies, Harvard, and the army's Ft. Detrick. Yet he appears not to have been sued or harassed by any of these. I sense there is something funny going on here.

Horowitz is probably supported by a government agency or individuals with fantastic inside knowledge about bio-weapons. Of course if sources are feeding the dirt to him, their motives may differ from his. For example, they may be using his book to gauge public reaction to the news of genocidal use of diseases. Or maybe they want Death in the Air to make us all feel overwhelmed. If there really are evil scientists and doctors out there, are we not done for?

From reviewing these three books on 'depopulation,' I cannot draw a conclusion as to the accuracy of the main allegation. Note that Boyd Graves, who himself is dying of AIDS, went the proper route by filing a court case to demand investigation of AIDS's state origin. Had that case proceeded, we would now have access to helpful data, but the judge dismissed it as frivolous.

I promised to get back to Alan Cantwell's new material. He acknowledges that one of the men in the hepatitis vaccine experiment may have had AIDS before 1979. The blood from many of the volunteers was pooled in the laboratory to create the vaccine, so maybe that particular person's blood caused contamination. This may explain the otherwise inexplicable explosion of AIDS in New York the very first year after the vaccinations.

Does this mean that Cantwell in his heart of hearts believes there was no deliberate killing? No. He looks at articles in medical journals that dismiss suspicion about AIDS and finds them coy or inaccurate. For instance, one suggested that the promiscuous men lived such unhealthy lives that their immune systems may have been compromised anyway. On the contrary, says Cantwell, the original hepatitis experiment screened more than 13,000 gay men and chose only those who were young and in excellent health.

Cantwell put the question to a gay friend in San Francisco, "Why is everyone in denial about this?" The friend's reply was that no member of the gay community who was alive in the 1980s can bear to recall that time of desperation and loss of partners and friends.

In all, I recommend that you lay out $29.95 for Leonard Horowitz's Death in the Air. It is not for me to preempt your judgment about such life-and-death issues. Just be warned: it's a shocker.

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D. P.O. Box 4307, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA, is a political scientist. She can be emailed as 'mary' at her website: She hereby permits anyone to copy or distribute this article as long as it is unaltered and carries this notice.

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