First They Came for the Gold Owners...

by Bill Anderson, LRC Blog
Sep. 17, 2010

Henry Waxman is not satisfied with having saddled our nation with a healthcare bill that is guaranteed to make medical care more costly and less-available, he now goes after anyone interested in sound money or in buying gold.
A press release from Rep. Anthony Weiner, Democrat of New York, not yet (as of this instant) posted on Mr. Weiner’s Web site, announces that a September 23 hearing of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection (a subcommittee of Rep. Henry Waxman’s Commerce Committee) will focus on “legislation that would regulate gold-selling companies, an industry who’s [sic] relentless advertising is now staple of cable television.”

From the press release: “Under Rep. Weiner’s bill, companies like Goldline would be required to disclose the reasonable resale value of items being sold.”
So, it looks as though the “Waxman State” finally is getting around to the heart of things: more and more Americans are not willing to accept paper dollars, and Waxman knows that if that happens, his schemes cannot be forced upon us.

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