Pilot’s Friends Shocked: Stack Was “Easy Going Guy”

Feb. 19, 2010

Thursday’s incident left those who knew Stack scratching their heads.

“I can’t believe it’s the same person,” said Ric Furley, an Austin musician who played in a band with Stack for a period more than two years ago.

Stack played bass, the accordion and sang for the band, according to the band’s Web site.

Stack was very musical, and conversations with his bandmates typically revolved around music, not grievances he may have had.

“He was very easygoing,” Furley said, adding that he guessed it was insanity that led Stack to his alleged suicide mission. “What else could it be?”

In the online message, the writer notes how during past times of crisis, like during the Great Depression, some of the wealthy who lost everything were known to have killed themselves.


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