RAND-linked Think Tank Scholar On Public vs. Private Discussion of Afghanistan Occupation

Kurt Nimmo
Oct. 11, 2009

Gabriel Schoenfeld, interviewed here by Worldfocus, is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, an organization that considers itself independently “contrarian.” In fact, the Husdon Institute was founded in 1961 by the late Herman Kahn and his colleagues Max Singer and Oscar Ruebhausen from the RAND Corporation, according to the online encyclopedia, SourceWatch. It is funded by the usual neocon suspects, including the Scaife Foundations.

“From 1973 to 1975, [Richard Mellon] Scaife ran Forum World Features, a foreign news service used as a front to disseminate CIA propaganda around the world. Shortly afterwards he began donating millions to fund the New Right,” writes the late Steve Kangas in his The Origins of the Overclass (an essay on CIA control of US media).

The “overclass” is determined to continue the illegal and immoral occupation and mass murder campaign in Afghanistan and increasing public opposition to this — and the attacks on Pakistan and the coming attack on Iran — bothers them, so they trot out pencil-necked geeks like Mr. Schoenfeld to tell us why the debate should be “private” and not public while at the same time paying homage to “democracy.”

Schoenfeld tells us there should be discussion of the elite’s order out of chaos policy in Afghanistan. But what he does not tell us is that such public discussions are invariably orchestrated by the elite and the corporate media and intended to lead nowhere and thus protect the “foreign policy objectives” of the ruling elite as they wend their way toward total global domination.

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