Charlie’s Just Crazy About Bullet-Stopper Slavery

Kurt Nimmo
Nov. 20, 2006

Once again, Charles Rangel, who represents a lot of poor people in Harlem, New York, is calling for a draft that would undoubtedly conscript many of his constituents into bullet-stopper slavery for the plutocracy running the Iraq occupation.

“If we’re going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can’t do that without a draft,” Charlie told CBS’ Face the Nation earlier today. “I don’t see how anyone can support the war and not support the draft. I think to do so is hypocritical.”

It is said Rangel is pushing bullet-stopper servitude in order to send a message—middle class folks, mostly immune from the current poverty draft, need to share the sacrifice of the poor, reduced to enlisting in order to get education benefits, never mind a large majority, around 65%, never get a dime.

“In January 2003, as President Bush put the nation on a path to war in Iraq, I introduced my bill to reinstate the military draft in the hope that it would remind Americans that lives would be lost and the sacrifice should be shared by all,” wrote Charlie earlier this year. “The greatest moral failure of this war is that the ultimate sacrifices are being demanded of volunteers who, due to lack of alternative opportunities, are willing to risk their lives for a chance to improve their economic circumstance and pursue the American Dream…. I will continue to press my bill to reinstate the draft as the war drums begin to roll in the White House over the issue of Iran.”

Of course, reinstating the so-called draft will not put an end to the occupation of Iraq or the impending shock and awe campaign against Iran. But it will make the apparently vindictive Rangel feel a bit better, especially if a whole lot of young middle class people, many who oppose what the neocons are doing in Iraq, suddenly begin receiving draft notices.

Naturally, a whole lot of Rangel’s constituents will receive notices as well, but that’s the nature of shared sacrifice. Everybody will get a chance to experience the wrath of the neocon meat grinder, except those who are offered “the alternative of a couple of years of public service with educational benefits,” Reuters reports. It will be interesting to see who gets a tour (or repeated tours) in the depleted uranium hell of Iraq and who gets “alternative service.”

I don’t know if Mr. Rangel has grand kids, but if he does I bet they’ll get “alternative” servitude. As for Jenna and Babs Bush, they’ll get light duty in Texas, as did their old man, if indeed they get anything at all, as rich folks have “other priorities,” as did Cheney during the Vietnam War. Ditto Chelsea Clinton.

“There’s no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm’s way,” said Charlie, apparently taking the vast majority of Americans for idiots.

Of course, “members of Congress and the administration,” consisting primarily of the Richie Rich class and servants of the multinational corporate plutocracy, will never be sent to Iraq or Iran, no matter how many draft induction centers are opened in the months ahead.

Rangel expanded on the “alternative” component of his scheme. He said “young people (would) commit themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic, whether it’s our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals,” in other words, a whole lot of them will work for the Ministry of Homeland Security, looking high and low for Osama and his cave dwellers, and unable to track down any Islamic miscreants they will probably be deployed to keep tabs on the American variant, for instance environmentalists and antiwar Quakers, even “semi-communistic” Catholics, as the NSA did a while back and of course continues to do.

I’m not sure what draftees would do in hospitals and schools, except displace workers. But then workers should be accustomed to this, what with all the illegal aliens streaming over the border, willing to work for pennies on the dollar.

Even Senator Lindsey “Fifth Column” Graham chimed in.

“I think we can do this with an all-voluntary service, all-voluntary Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy. And if we can’t, then we’ll look for some other option,” Graham told Bob Schieffer.

Graham said he believes the all-voluntary military “represents the country pretty well in terms of ethnic makeup, economic background,” a comment so out of touch with reality as to be a ticket to a psychiatric exam, something Graham should get routinely as both a Congress critter and an Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals judge.

Naturally, Lindsey is mum on the issue of enforced bullet-stopper slavery, as he will likely preside over the court martial of slackers and deadbeats who will, as things likely get much worse after the invasion of Iran, be sent to Camp Gitmo or taken out back and shot. We already know what he thinks about “fifth columnists,” or that is to say people who oppose the “war,” more accurately described as Phase Two of the sort of violence and destruction that will ultimately result in the “geostrategic” slicing and dicing of several Arab and Islamic nations, if the Israel First neocons have their way.

As we know, or should if we pay attention, our Congress critters plan to send more troops to Iraq. “Without additional troops to ensure victory in Iraq, the U.S. could find itself more vulnerable to terrorist attacks at home, Sen. John McCain said Sunday,” reports the Associated Press. “I believe the consequences of failure are catastrophic,” said John “Keating Five” McCain. “It will spread to the region. You will see Iran more emboldened. Eventually, you could see Iran pose a greater threat to the state of Israel.”

There’s that word again.


Iran does not “pose a greater threat” to America, mind you, but it certainly does to Israel.

Well, actually, with around 5,000 nukes and an advanced military program working busily on killer nanotechnology—for instance, a “robotic hornet” that will take out pesky Palestinians who want their land back—Iran does not really pose much of a threat, even if former IOF colonels who worked in intelligence diligently mistranslate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speeches.

“McCain said he based his judgment partly on the writings of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida leader in Iraq who was killed in a U.S. air raid, and of Osama bin Laden.”

Once upon a time, we were told al-Zarqawi was illiterate, but never mind.

McCain based his desire to feed more kids into the Iraqi meat grinder on “writings” created by P2OG scribes and their British SAS helpers, complete with wigs and fake beards, writings based on previous work by CIA and ISI specialists in Afghanistan.

Finally, as legendary fence straddlers, the Democrats are not calling for troop increases, but then they are not ruling them out, either. Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told ABC News earlier today “Democrats would continue to support existing troops levels for now, but an increase isn’t practical. He says there are ‘no troops to increase with.’”

And thus Hoyer’s final comment brings us full circle to Rangel and his proposed equity draft, otherwise known as bullet-stopper slavery.

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