Neocons Make Excuses for Mass Murder

Kurt Nimmo
Nov. 04, 2006

In America, instead of facing justice, criminals from up high usually write memoirs, or become “elder statesmen,” and are interviewed, settling comfortably into the historical record, either oblivious to or proud of the swathe of blood and gore that enshrouds them.

For instance, take the neocons, who should be filling up the docket at the Hague for plotting and executing the invasion and occupation of Iraq—current death total, 650,000, with millions floundering in abject misery—but are instead allowed to walk free and talk freely with David Rose, Vanity Fair contributing editor.

Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, Frank Gaffney, Kenneth Adelman, David Frum, Michael Rubin, Eliot Cohen—these comprise the very marrow of the neocon criminal camarilla. Rose interviews them as one would interview any petty bureaucrat (Adolf Eichmann comes to mind). Rose’s article, or the short preview here, casts the neocons as pentiti, the Italian word for those who have repented.

Well, sort of, as the sociopath rarely repents, but instead blames others, as the neocons blame Bush and his obsequious followers and lackluster appointees, all outside the neocon circle.

For instance, Richard Perle, long considered the Prince of Darkness (apologies to film director Tatsuo Sato), now tells us the “levels of brutality [in Iraq] that we’ve seen are truly horrifying, and I have to say, I underestimated the depravity.” In other words, according to Perle, once the civil underpinnings were pulled out from beneath Iraq—by way of depleted uranium-enhanced bunker buster and cruise missile—the result surprised even him, a seasoned psychopath, experienced dissembler, and traitor (as “an Israeli agent of influence” caught “discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy” in 1970, according to Paul Findley).

“According to Perle, who left the Defense Policy Board in 2004, this unfolding catastrophe has a central cause: devastating dysfunction within the administration of President George W. Bush,” writes Rose, avoiding mention of Perle’s obvious conflict of interest with the Defense Policy Board, thus resulting in his resignation—according to ace investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, Perle had business dealings with Saudi investors and was linked to the intelligence-related computer firm Trireme Partners LLP, which Hersh claimed stood to profit from the war in Iraq. In other words, the more depravity and the longer the United States “stays the course,” the more cabbage for the Prince of Darkness.

Had Perle possessed “delphic” vision, he tells Rose, “he would not have advocated an invasion of Iraq.” Back in the day, when Perle was the “Study Group Leader” of the gang that crafted the “Clean Break” document, originally presented to the Likudite leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a direct invasion of Iraq was not called for either, but it was certainly alluded to, and a couple years later, in an open letter to Clinton, Perle and clan declared the removal of Saddam Hussein “now needs to become the aim of American diplomacy.” Call it gunboat diplomacy, or maybe cruise missile diplomacy. Perle and the neocons were not asking for a polite tête-à -tête between Clinton and Hussein, resulting in a step-down for the dictator.

Naturally, when things went bad, as they invariably do when Goliath takes on David, the neocons turned on their impaired puppet, George Bush, who is essentially a drug and alcohol dilapidated mental wreck, a haphazardly chosen front man. It is perfectly within the malicious personality of the neocon to turn on a nominal and expendable leader when things get tough and do not go exactly as planned.

“Huge mistakes were made, and I want to be very clear on this: They were not made by neoconservatives, who had almost no voice in what happened, and certainly almost no voice in what happened after the downfall of the regime in Baghdad. I’m getting damn tired of being described as an architect of the war,” whines Perle, unable to accept his role in massive war crimes, a bloody attainment close to rivaling the crimes of the Nazis (all told, with Bush Senior and Bubba Clinton on the mass murder roster, more than 3 million Iraqis have died, and an incalculable number of others, mostly helpless children, will die horrible deaths for the indeterminable future as depleted uranium takes its ghastly toll).

For his participation, Perle should face a tribunal and then a firing squad—but then so should the traitor Bush, his old man, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Clinton, and the neocons numbered above.

Instead, they will be interviewed, courted, cajoled, paid handsomely by various franchises, and will likely never face justice.

In Pax Americana, that’s how the ball bounces, and long as it continues to bounce without aberration, the criminals will be treated as celebrities and “elder statesmen,” at large to write their extenuating memoirs, taking six figure advances while the children of Iraq suffer endless birth deformities (the half life of depleted uranium is 4.5 billion years).

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