Blowhard Theatrics on the Way to a Fixed Election

Kurt Nimmo
Nov. 04, 2006

As the midterm election closes in, our unitary decider, engaged in a “campaign-closing tour,” tells those who will listen, including a handful of Republican candidates and incumbents who have yet to slouch off into the shadows, fearing political contamination, that if Democrats sweep the House and Senate, the “terrorists win and America loses,” simple as that.

According to political analysts, the Iraq card is the only one in the decider’s hand. “There is nothing that seems to be so quite in the minds of Americans—not gay marriage … not taxes. There is nothing that overshadows Iraq,” Philip Hughes, a communications consultant who served on the National Security Councils of the previous Bush and Reagan administrations, tells the Chicago Tribune. “The president, it seems to me, has no choice but to defend his policy, to defend Iraq.” For some reason this is viewed as resolve, when in fact it is political bankruptcy and the ugly head of decidership tyranny rearing. “As unpopular as the Iraq war has become, they say, the president cannot run from it, so he is running with it,” never mind more than seventy percent of Americans want out of Iraq.

Due to the arrogant neocon policy of ignoring the demands of the American people and the mad rush to continue squandering lives and billions of dollars on this particular phase of the neocon “clash of civilizations” project, voters may throw out a whole lot of Republicans next Tuesday.

Of course, the Diebold voting machine was invented for precisely that inevitability.

“Two years ago, Bush and the Republicans used the Iraq war to make their case that the GOP was the party that would best protect the country,” argues the Chicago Tribune, a neocon-friendly newspaper. “Voters agreed, re-electing Bush over Sen. John Kerry and giving Republicans two more years at the helm of the House and Senate.” As we know, Kerry actually won the election, as Gore did before him, not that the former would have ended the so-called “war,” the malicious handiwork of a vastly expensive, in terms of both money and lives, wrecking crew. Kerry would have thrown more troops into the mess. If elected come November, 2008, Hillary or whatever Democrat selected to win the election will keep troops in Iraq and, by then, stand guard over the smoldering ruin of Iran.

Instead of a nuanced defense of the indefensible attack and occupation of Iraq, Bush flapped nonsensical riddles: “You can’t win a war unless you’re willing to fight the war…. Retreat from Iraq before the job was done would embolden an enemy and make this country more vulnerable to attack.”

In a way, this is true, as the longer the neocons stay in Iraq, the more likely the possibility the Iraqis may attack the United States, a perfectly rational possibility in a quid pro quo sort of way, although it must be admitted this possibility is minute. Considering the depth and severity of the harm the Pentagon has inflicted upon Iraq—minus absolutely any compelling evidence of Iraqi misdeed—it is nothing short of amazing the Iraqi resistance has not attacked America, although this would be an ideal propaganda instrument for Bush’s demented minions, or maybe I should say Bush is a minion of the perfidious neocons.

Of course, Bush is talking about “al-Qaeda,” not the Iraqi resistance, but then, according to the mendacious neocons, there is no difference between the two.

Meanwhile, the out of control sectarian violence in Iraq, part and parcel of the neocon master plan to destabilize the entire region, is considered of little more significance than a “speed bump,” according to Major General William Caldwell. As well, the destruction of Iraqi society is “a work of art in progress,” reports Reuters, quoting Caldwell. “Every great work of art goes through messy phases while it is in transition. A lump of clay can become a sculpture, blobs of paint become paintings which inspire,” he said.

It really is a shame the Roman vomitorium went out of fashion a couple thousand years ago.

Not long ago, we were told Bechtel, at the service of the CIA and homies with the Bush crime family (and, of course, the Bin Laden family), was orchestrating an important part of this “work of art in progress,” that is to rebuild Iraq’s water a sewage treatment plants bombed into oblivion by the unitary decider and his dark Straussian camarilla of psychopaths. In fact, this was a family affair, as Dubya’s daddy blew up critical infrastructure as well, and then enforced a crushing set of sanctions against the decimated country. Sadism and a proclivity for war crimes obviously runs in the family.

“Baghdad received less than six hours a day of electricity last month, and much of Iraq’s population lives with untreated sewage and without clean water. But Bechtel, having received $2.3 billion of taxpayers’ money and having lost the lives of 52 employees, has come to the end of its last government contract,” writes Paul Krugman. “As Bechtel goes, so goes the whole reconstruction effort. Whatever our leaders may say about their determination to stay the course complete the mission, when it comes to rebuilding Iraq they’ve already cut and run. The $21 billion allocated for reconstruction over the last three years has been spent, much of it on security rather than its intended purpose, and there’s no more money in the pipeline.”

In other words, parasitical “security” corporations such as Blackwater, Custer Battles, Global Risk Strategies, Control Risks Group, et al, scooped up the cash.

Last November, a “trophy” video surfaced, showing “security guards in Baghdad randomly shooting Iraqi civilians.” The shooters were likely employees working for Aegis Defense Services, a British private military contractor run by the criminal gun-runner Tim Spicer (infamously involved in military operations in Sierra Leone, which included importing weapons in violation of a UN arms embargo). In fact, Spicer is fully cut-out for such work, as he was the commander of the Scots Guards in Northern Ireland. Under his command, soldiers shot and killed unarmed Catholic Irish citizens.

All of this corruption and murder will naturally continue long after Tuesday, November 7, 2006, as the plan is to continue the occupation of Iraq and midwife its eventual dissolution into three mutually hostile bantustans.

It will not matter who dominates Congress, for the “war” will continue.

Bush’s absurdity about Democrats and “al-Qaeda” winning in Iraq are for immediate and short term consumption, a bit of daffy ephemera destined for the memory hole. In fact, after all the ballots are counted, or rather after the computer viruses have flipped the votes and our Caligula retains his hold on Congress, it will be business as usual, with Hillary and the covetous Barack Obama, fully behind shock and awing Iran, working their way toward the Oval Office, that is if Bush can force himself to relinquish the bloody reigns of control.

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