President Donald Trump, who stood down during the anti-White Black Lives Matter riots, is reportedly going to sign an executive order to "marshal all federal resources" to fight the "explosion of antisemitism" in America since October 7th.
From Jewish Insider, "Trump to 'Marshal All Federal Resources' to Fight Antisemitism With New Executive Order":
President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Wednesday focused on countering antisemitism, in what the White House described as an effort to "marshal all federal resources" to "combat the explosion of antisemitism on our campuses and in our streets since Oct. 7, 2023."
The executive order will require every federal department and agency to review criminal and civil authorities that could be used to fight antisemitism, with a requirement to report back to the White House within 60 days, according to a fact sheet provided by a White House official.
The Justice Department will be required to take "immediate action" to "protect law and order, quell pro-Hamas vandalism and intimidation, and investigate and punish anti-Jewish racism in leftist, anti-American colleges and universities," the White House fact sheet said, without detailing specific actions the Justice Department will take.
"I will issue clear orders to my attorney general to aggressively prosecute terroristic threats, arson, vandalism and violence against American Jews," Trump said in the fact sheet. "I will be the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House."
The action also demands the deportation of foreign nationals living in the U.S. and foreign students who broke the law in the course of anti-Israel protests on American campuses, a policy that conservative activists pushed Trump to adopt during his campaign. Are they going to deport the Israeli nationals who attacked pro-Palestine protesters at UCLA?"To all the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protests, we put you on notice: come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you," Trump said in the fact sheet. "I will also quickly cancel the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campuses, which have been infested with radicalism like never before."
[...] The White House described the executive order as an effort to build on Trump's 2019 executive order combating antisemitism, which said that federal agencies must utilize the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's working definition of antisemitism when investigating Title VI civil rights violations. The NY Post, who praised the EO, touted the measures aimed at getting around the First Amendment to silence lawful speech.
From The New York Post, "Trump ordering review to identify, punish and deport antisemites — including students on visas":
Hate speech generally is legal in the US, but the House GOP report released last month argues that federal law bars recipients of taxpayer funds from tolerating discrimination — allowing a way to force recipients to stiffen policies.
Federal courts also have found that non-citizens have fewer free speech rights.
The Supreme Court ruled in the landmark 1972 case Kleindienst v. Mandel that the government could refuse a visa to a Belgian Marxist — after prior court cases affirmed the deportation of anarchist and Communist non-citizens. Funnily enough, the Post -- perhaps inadvertently -- noted how Trump didn't actually do anything to shut down the BLM riots (he thought the riots would help him win the election):
In his first term, Trump also used the threat of yanking federal funds in response to nationwide anti-police rioting following the May 2020 murder of George Floyd.
Trump ordered steps to defund New York City, Portland and Seattle for allegedly doing too little to quell the unrest. He left office before that threat was fulfilled, though the Justice Department certified the cities for the chopping block. The Forward is reporting that the aggressive measures in Trump's EO are favored by the Anti-Defamation League (the same ADL who successfully lobbied to have Trump banned from all social media).
From The Forward, "Trump antisemitism executive order to target ‘leftist, anti-American' universities":
The order expands on a 2019 executive order from Trump's first term that directed federal agencies to interpret a crucial provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as covering antisemitism, and endorsed the widespread but controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's working definition of antisemitism, which covers many expressions of anti-Zionism.
And yet despite the flurry of attention it received when it was released in late 2019, that order's impact was blunted by its limited scope — it was tailored to clarify Education Department investigations into antisemitism. Its impact was also muted by the fact that the Trump administration never fully implemented the order. President Joe Biden left it in place, but similarly never converted it from a presidential decree into the kind of regulations federal employees need to apply an order to their everyday work.
But the policy landscape has changed significantly over the past six years, and especially since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war 15 months ago sparked an increase in both antisemitism and raucous demonstrations against Israel, particularly on university campuses.
The Anti-Defamation League has called for more aggressive action against students protesting Israel, including asking school presidents to investigate Students for Justice in Palestine chapters for providing material support to terrorist organizations. The Secure Community Network — the main organization providing security advice to synagogues and Jewish organizations in the United States — recently called for the country to "expel any non-citizen alien who supports terrorism," including protesters.  Republicans have focused almost all of their attention on what they believe is antisemitism coming from left-wing activists and critics of Israel. The Heritage Foundation released a blueprint for the Trump administration to fight antisemitism called Project Esther that discussed how to dismantle a "Hamas Support Network" composed of progressive advocacy groups and foundations, while the author of that report said that he was not concerned with addressing the threat posed by white supremacists.
The White House fact sheet, which lists education adviser Eric Bledsoe as the author, also states that immediately following the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas terrorist attack against Israel "pro-Hamas aliens and left-wing radicals began a campaign of intimidation, vandalism, and violence on the campuses and streets of America."
"Celebrating Hamas' mass rape, kidnapping, and murder, they physically blocked Jewish Americans from attending college classes, obstructed synagogues and assaulted worshippers, and vandalized American monuments and statues," while the "Biden Administration turned a blind eye to this coordinated assault on public order; it simply refused to protect the civil rights of Jewish Americans, especially students."
Last executive order had muted impact
Trump's 2019 executive order was greeted with both support and consternation in the Jewish community.
Supporters, including establishment groups like the ADL, hailed the order, saying it was "designed to give the federal government more tools to protect Jews from antisemitism." Skeptics worried that it was too focused on stanching criticism of Israel, while others focused on the order's apparent classification of Jews as an ethnic group, collapsing the complexity of Jewish identity.
Civil rights investigators at the Department of Education were trained on the order and told to consider the IHRA definition when investigating cases, although the failure to codify it into an official regulation meant it was never used to determine the final results of a case. No one is even pretending that any of these anti-Semitism "hate speech" measures are constitutional. They put them forward purely as a pledge of allegiance to the Israel Lobby.
From Reuters, "Trump administration to cancel student visas of pro-Palestinian protesters":
Rights groups and legal scholars said the measure would violate constitutional free speech rights and would likely draw legal challenges.
"The First Amendment protects everyone in the United States, including foreign citizens studying at American universities," said Carrie DeCell, senior staff attorney at the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. "Deporting non-citizens on the basis of their political speech would be unconstitutional."
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a large Muslim advocacy group, said it would consider challenging the expected order in court if Trump tried to implement it. Earlier this month, a US district judge threw out a Title VI suit against Haverford College aimed at silencing criticism of Israel which used all the same arguments.
We can only hope the same happens with this blatantly unconstitutional executive order.
UPDATE: The executive order has now been signed.
Here are the key sections (Emphasis Added):
Section 1. Purpose. My Administration has fought and will continue to fight anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world. On December 11, 2019, I issued Executive Order 13899, my first Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism, finding that students, in particular, faced anti-Semitic harassment in schools and on university and college campuses. Executive Order 13899 provided interpretive assistance on the enforcement of the Nation’s civil rights laws to ensure that they would protect American Jews to the same extent to which all other American citizens are protected. The prior administration effectively nullified Executive Order 13899 by failing to give the terms of the order full force and effect throughout the Government. This order reaffirms Executive Order 13899 and directs additional measures to advance the policy thereof in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023, against the people of Israel. These attacks unleashed an unprecedented wave of vile anti-Semitic discrimination, vandalism, and violence against our citizens, especially in our schools and on our campuses. Jewish students have faced an unrelenting barrage of discrimination; denial of access to campus common areas and facilities, including libraries and classrooms; and intimidation, harassment, and physical threats and assault. A joint report by the House Committees on Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Judiciary, Oversight and Accountability, Veterans’ Affairs, and Ways and Means calls the Federal Government’s failure to fight anti-Semitism and protect Jewish students “astounding.” This failure is unacceptable and ends today.
Sec. 2. Policy. It shall be the policy of the United States to combat anti-Semitism vigorously, using all available and appropriate legal tools, to prosecute, remove, or otherwise hold to account the perpetrators of unlawful anti-Semitic harassment and violence.
Sec. 3. Additional Measures to Combat Campus Anti-Semitism.
(a) Within 60 days of the date of this order, the head of each executive department or agency (agency) shall submit a report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, identifying all civil and criminal authorities or actions within the jurisdiction of that agency, beyond those already implemented under Executive Order 13899, that might be used to curb or combat anti-Semitism, and containing an inventory and analysis of all pending administrative complaints, as of the date of the report, against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023, campus anti-Semitism.
(b) The report submitted by the Attorney General under this section shall additionally include an inventory and an analysis of all court cases, as of the date of the report, against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023, campus anti-Semitism and indicate whether the Attorney General intends to or has taken any action with respect to such matters, including filing statements of interest or intervention.
(c) The Attorney General is encouraged to employ appropriate civil-rights enforcement authorities, such as 18 U.S.C. 241 ["Conspiracy against rights"], to combat anti-Semitism.
(d) The report submitted by the Secretary of Education under this section shall additionally include an inventory and an analysis of all Title VI complaints and administrative actions, including in K-12 education, related to anti-Semitism — pending or resolved after October 7, 2023 — within the Department’s Office for Civil Rights.
(e) In addition to identifying relevant authorities to curb or combat anti-Semitism generally required by this section, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with each other, shall include in their reports recommendations for familiarizing institutions of higher education with the grounds for inadmissibility under 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3) [which says the Attorney General can deport foreigners for engaging in any "unlawful activity"] so that such institutions may monitor for and report activities by alien students and staff relevant to those grounds and for ensuring that such reports about aliens lead, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to investigations and, if warranted, actions to remove such aliens. This is clearly an attempt to intimidate and threaten people for protesting against Israel.
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