ADL CEO: 'Genius' Behind Pager Attack Needed to Fight Antisemitism

Chris Menahan
Jan. 13, 2025

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt told the Israeli Knesset that the kind of "genius" behind the Jewish state's pager attack on Lebanon is now needed to fight antisemitism.

From The Intercept, "ADL Chief Invokes Pager Attack as Inspiration for Taking on Internet Trolls":
[According to Greenblatt,] Israel's backers need to think like Israeli spies who secretly installed bombs in electronics all over Lebanon, killing dozens and wounding thousands.

"We need the kind of genius that manufactured Apollo Gold Pagers and infiltrated Hezbollah for over a decade to prepare for this battle," Greenblatt said. "This is the kind of ingenuity and inventiveness that have always been a hallmark of the State of Israel, that have always been a characteristic of the Jewish people. I know we can do it."
Here's a longer quote via eJewishPhilanthropy:
"Nobody likes to admit when they've fallen short. I don't like to lose. I personally hate to lose. However, sometimes we need to acknowledge the reality, and I believe it takes confidence to express humility," he said. "What I learned from working in Silicon Valley, it's OK to fail as long as you fail forward and learn from it. So that's what needs to happen now."


"Otherwise, as Einstein said, we'll be doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It's the definition of insanity. So starting with ADL and the rest of the NGO sector in the U.S. and around the world, we've got to start doing things differently. And the same goes here in Israel. This means that the problem won't be solved by yet another new Knesset task force. It won't be solved by the government just throwing money at the problem. It won't be solved by the IDF spokesperson's unit issuing updated talking points or suddenly using TikTok. Like us in America, you need to adopt new strategies to experiment with creative tactics to study the results and scale what works," he said. "We need the kind of genius that manufactured Apollo Gold Pagers and infiltrated Hezbollah for over a decade to prepare for this battle. We need the kind of courage that executed Operation Deep Layer inside Syria and destroyed Iranian missile manufacturing capabilities to undertake this mission. This is the kind of ingenuity and inventiveness that have always been a hallmark of the State of Israel, that have always been a characteristic of the Jewish people. I know we can do it."
Note how all the "genius" he's calling for in the fight on antisemitism seems to revolve around military tactics and terrorism.

Greenblatt said in the same speech how important it is to "capture" TikTok.

"Pushing extremists off Wikipedia might not seem equal to the challenge of pushing Hezbollah north of the Litani River, capturing TikTok might seem less meaningful than holding on to Mount Hermon, libelous tweets certainly might seem less deadly than missiles from Yemen but this is urgent because the next war will be decided based on how Israel and its allies perform online as much as offline," Greenblatt told the Israeli government.

For someone who whines incessantly about how words and criticisms are extremely dangerous because they can result in "real world violence," telling his allies in a foreign government that they should create a new "Unit 8300" to use the "genius" behind a deadly terrorist attack to fight their political enemies is truly disturbing.

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