Trump Visits Lubavitcher Rebbe's Grave With Ben Shapiro for October 7th

Chris Menahan
Oct. 07, 2024

Former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail Monday donned a kippa and visited the grave of Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn together with Ben Shapiro for October 7th.

Video from C-SPAN shows the former president engaged in some sort of ritual as Shapiro and a group of rabbis looked on.

"Trump and his transition chairman Howard Lutnick commemorated October 7 by paying homage at the tomb of Rabbi Schneerson, the leader of the Chabad movement, who died in 1994 and is still regarded by many of his followers as the Messiah," Michael Tracey reported.

Full video:

Lutnick told Tracey last week that Jared Kushner, who is also a member of Chabad Lubavitch, would be "actively helping" Trump find "talent" to staff his administration.

Trump has made pledging to give the Israel Lobby total power over Congress a cornerstone of his 2024 campaign.

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