NZ PM Jacinda Ardern: 'There's Not Going To Be An Endpoint To This Vaccination Program'Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Dec. 09, 2021 |
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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said straightforwardly during an interview on Tuesday that "there's not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program."
From LifeSiteNews: In an interview Tuesday with New Zealand network Newshub, Ardern characterized the experimental COVID shots as a "really important" measure "to protect our people" and thus declared that "there's not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program."Full video: In October, Ardern also straightforwardly confirmed that the purpose of their vaccine passport scheme is to create "two different classes of people" and strip purebloods of their rights.
Thank you, Mrs. Ardern, for just blurting out the real agenda. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Minds, Parler and Telegram. |