Axios: 'Since 2010, 96% of All U.S. Counties Saw Declines in Shares of White Population'

Chris Menahan
Sep. 12, 2019

I thought this was a "conspiracy theory"?!

From Axios (via Drudge):
The nation's white population has grown only 0.1% since 2010 and is projected to decline over the next decade.

- The map above appears to have large "white" areas where racial minorities are not highly represented. But these are small, less-populated areas where the white population is stagnating, per [Brookings Institution demographer Bill] Frey's analysis.

- Since 2010, 96% of all U.S. counties saw declines in shares of white population — and those declines aren't likely to be offset by white immigration from other countries or increased U.S. birth rates going forward.

- "In the next 5–6 years, we're going to see an actual decline in white population," Frey told Axios, noting the shrinking share of the white population since 2000 among children under the age of 18. "In the next 10 years or so, the 20-something population will become minority white. It's happening from the bottom up of the age structure."
Democratic superstar Stacey Abrams on Monday released this handy chart showing how Democrats can take over Georgia due to their rapidly "diversifying electorate."

Earlier this week, the New York Times' Michelle Goldberg similarly spoke of the "inexorable force of demography" changing the county in an article titled, "Dare we dream of the end of the GOP?"

Goldberg cited the work of Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg, who four days later wrote his own article in the New York Times on America's rapid demographic shift titled, "The Republican Party is Doomed."

It sure is interesting how these narratives evolve!

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