Ben Shapiro, Who Rushed to Share Condemnation Of Covington Students, Slams CNN For Doing The SameChris MenahanInformationLiberation Jan. 21, 2019 |
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Chutzpah, thy name is Ben Shapiro.
Here's those images zoomed, both of which were sent on Saturday, January 19th as the facts were already coming out and people like myself, Cassandra Fairbanks, The Gateway Pundit, Jack Posobiec and others were working overtime and taking on the mob and defend these innocent students:
One would be forgiven for assuming this is a sarcastic joke: — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 21, 2019 It was only eleven days ago when Ben Shapiro also rushed to condemn Iowa congressman Steve King based off one quote from an hour long interview -- which was not recorded -- printed by the New York Times (who also smeared the Covington Catholic students with slanderous lies).
King swore up and down that they completely misquoted him -- but I'm sure the lying New York Times got the story completely right! Cassandra Fairbanks had a few choice words for Benji:
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