Antifa, BLM Rioters Attack Police, Drivers And Random Trump Supporters At #UTR2 In DC

Chris Menahan
Aug. 13, 2018

Video after video shows the "counter-protests" outside the "Unite the Right 2" rally in Washington DC on Sunday were in fact violent riots.

Black Lives Matter activists chased down and attacked random drivers in the streets and antifa goons attacked police and random Trump supporters who were protesting against both the "Unite the Right 2" rally and Antifa.

From Breitbart:
Black Lives Matter activists wearing ski masks attacked and threatened drivers in Washington, D.C. during a counter-protest against the “Unite the Right 2” protest in Lafayette Park.

In footage taken by Breitbart News, Black Lives Matter activists can be seen attacking cars and threatening drivers who were attempting to drive down the streets of Washington, D.C.

“Back up! Back the fuck up!” a group of Black Lives Matter activists shouted at a driver. “Go back that way n*gg*r!” Get your ass back!”
The car eventually began backing up due to the threats.

Another driver tried passing through and was immediately met with attacks and threats by a mob of Black Lives Matter activists. The Black Lives Matter activists can be seen in this Breitbart News footage kicking the vehicle and demanding the car reverse. The car eventually backed up.

“Let him go before he gets that shit!” a Black Lives Matter activist shouted. “Let him go before we wreck that shit!”
Here's some more footage of Antifa/BLM's violent riots:

The actual "Unite the Right 2" rally garnered only around two or three dozen people, several of which were black and Hispanic:

The lead organizer, Jason Kessler, told the media before the event he views himself as a "civil rights advocate" for white people and told the media he was holding the event to show the world how not racist he is. He also said he only named the event "Unite the Right" so that people would "pay attention."

Antifa and BLM activists rioted and attacked police as well as two random Trump supporters who were protesting the event:

Antifa carried a giant banner saying, "IT TAKES A BULLET TO BASH A FASH."

Leftists at the rally told the Daily Caller's Benny Johnson they would murder President Trump if they ever met him:

Antifa and BLM were filmed attacking female Trump supporter Suzanne Monk and another man who was at her side protesting both the "Unite the Right 2" event and Antifa:

It's important to remember, as Mitt Romney reiterated in an attack on President Trump on Friday, these violent antifa lunatics are the good guys because they're fighting against "hate."

"There are no two sides!"

UPDATE: Another video has surfaced showing antifa whaling on a guy.

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