Donald Trump To Kim Jong-un: Make A Deal Or Suffer Same Fate As GaddafiChris MenahanInformationLiberation May. 20, 2018 |
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Saboteur John Bolton is no doubt rejoicing over this. From The Guardian: Donald Trump has threatened Kim Jong-un with the same fate as Muammar Gaddafi if the North Korean leader "doesn't make a deal" on his nuclear weapons programme. But Trump appeared to be unaware of that agreement, and interpreted the "Libyan model" to mean the 2011 Nato intervention in Libya in support of an insurrection, which ultimately led to Gaddafi's murder at the hands of rebels in Tripoli.There was no "misunderstanding." Kim Jong-un has said repeatedly he has no desire to meet the same fate as Gaddafi, Bolton drew the comparison to sabotage the deal. Trump's White House backed off the Bolton comparison at first last Wednesday leaving a sliver of hope but then Trump went and said this the day after. Perhaps this is 4D interdimensional space chess, but it seems more likely John Bolton's once again succeeding in sabotaging any sort of peace deal with North Korea. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook and Gab. |